Yum! Cookies!



Just like Booger, you’re one clever kid!

8 Responses to Yum! Cookies!

  1. PrinceCharlie says:

    When you makethe symphoscone, doesn’t part of it look like a cookie?


  2. wenjun says:

    all of yo people wondering it is waffles NOT cookies because in the alphabet, 23=W, 1=A, 6=F the other 6=F, 12=L, 5=E, 19=S. = WAFFLES!!! *ur welcome!!!* lol

  3. Beth says:

    OMG I wonder if this is a hint for a recipe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Shasta7 says:

    I never noticed this!


    So this would be cookies white rice and waffles…

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