Autumn’s Choice Award


Congratulations pignucklesmomginger… Autumn has chosen your room design, Fred Rover’s Apartment, as their favorite, so you have won a Room Design Trophy!


Here is what Autumn had to say about the room:


It’s great, it’s a total mess and I’ve never seen a room like it!!  The whole concept is pulled together so well and all the items used- even the in smallest details- make this a cohesive design as well as offering one a good chuckle at it all.  This concept is truly unique and I am impressed with how well all the items chosen, go together so perfectly to create such chaos.  It’s brilliantly wonderful!



Thank you for guest judging Autumn. It was a pleasure working with you!


Congratulations again pigknuclesmomginger. You truly have an eye for design! I will be sending you an email with more details.



21 Responses to Autumn’s Choice Award

  1. nanakinz5 says:

    What a neat idea to make a room theme around a host! Congratulations!

  2. animalsmatter1 says:

    pigknucleshelper: Congratulations!!!! A very well-deserved honor, indeed! I love “messy rooms”! I think if it’s got a certain “mess” to it, the room design can really tell a story. In this, I can picture Fred Rover. coming home from a long day in Kinzville, and just being….you know: a bachelor!!! Tossing things around, not worrying where he puts his scooter…lol The other thing I loved about your room was your use of green—the green popping from the countertops, poster, trampoline, sofas–it really tied the who room together so handsomely. (The only problem is……..Will Fred Rover ever forgive you for giving away his ‘messy’ secret lifestyle??!!) LOL! Awesome job!

  3. Nattie says:

    Congratulations on your award winning room, pignucklesmomginge. Very original and fun!

  4. megamom12 says:

    This one is just flat out clever!

  5. leopardlover0001 says:

    this is so creative and amazing!!! congratulations pigknuckleshelper!!

  6. SugarTaffy says:

    Yay! I LOVE this room! This is the one I had voted for ;) Great job PigKnucklesMomGinger!

  7. EmeraldCity says:

    I really love this room!

  8. momskinz says:

    Bravo! This design is so detailed, delightful, and unique!

  9. oudoll2 says:

    I thought this one was very well done! You can tell that a lot of thought went into this design. Congratulations! You really deserved it!

  10. pigknucklesmomginger says:

    I am so honored to have been selected, but…. chosen by the greatest room designer of all time… AUTUMN!! Words cannot express my gratitude!! Thank you so much for all the kind things you have said about me and my design! I am so HAPPY :) !! p.s. please friend me, Autumn (pigknucklesmom)

    • dixiecup says:

      Isn’t it funny how the guest host chose the most awesome room? This room is crazy-busy and brings Fred Rover to life. I’d really hate to be his roommate LOL You’ve encapsulated what it must be like behind the Well-heeled Fred Rover’s closed door. You should be happy PigKnucklesMomGinger. Your room is worth a second (third, fourth, fifth) look. Congratulations :)

    • Autumn88 says:

      Congratulations!! :D You really did a great job!! And thank you for the kind message to me. <3 I will add you! :)

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