Celebrate Summer Tomorrow!


Tomorrow, Saturday June 28th, is the return of Summer Sensation! Make sure to log in and you’ll receive the refreshing Pink Lemonade Stand!



Now that school is out, what are you looking forward to the most this summer? Let us know in the comments below!


68 Responses to Celebrate Summer Tomorrow!

  1. otissandra says:

    That’s so cute! Wouldn’t it be cool if you could put the lemonade stand in your room and invite friends over and they could buy the lemonade!!!!!!!!!!! :) Also friend me my user is otissandra

  2. meghan183kinz says:

    aww it is soo cute

  3. melanie5975 says:

    I can only get on Webkinz once a week because my computer doesn`t make the screen big enough. The day is Saturday, making me able to get on to the summer sensation.

  4. prprprprp says:

    Can’t wait!!! I’ll be going on!!! I LOVE SUMMER SENSATION!! :D

  5. Lillia01 says:

    I will totally be there! I can’t wait! I love this prize! Spread your light everyone! Lillia01 (Psalm 59:10)

  6. Pinkl97 says:

    Whooooo hooooooooooo! Can’t wait!!! Thank you Ganz!!!!

  7. kitty_kinz says:

    That lemonade stand looks sooooooooooooo cute!!! :DD I’m DEFINATLEY logging in tomarrow! plz add me my user is kittykinz108 <3 !!!!!!!!!!!

  8. mushroomear says:

    i think they should make a banner that say “Schools Out! See You In ___ Days!” The ____ means that we count down the numbers until school begins.

  9. I3reezy says:

    I cannot wait to get this! On a sort of unrelated note, can you guys fix your banning system? I’m tired of getting banned without an actual reason. It’s highly annoying.

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