It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for… the reveal of the Design a Dog Contest winner!
The team had an incredibly tough time deciding a winner from among our 6000+ submissions! In the end, they went with a unique and beautiful design that kept catching their eye…
Congratulations to our winner, snowball31802 with the Tigerlily Pup!
This inventive pup will be available in the W Shop and the Ganz eStore on June 4, 2014. Until then, keep an eye on Webkinz Newz as we share elements of the design process!
A big congratulations to our 9 finalists, too!
Plus, if YOU have ideas for this pet’s pet-specific item (PSI) or pet-specific food (PSF), please leave them in the comment section below and our team will consider them as we complete our design! (Please note that there is no prize for suggesting an item that may be used).
Happy Webkinz Day, everyone!
Congrats to everyone! Such beautiful and creative designs were entered. This dog is lovely. Tiger lilies are one of my favorite flowers! kbk100, wonderful ideas for PSI’s!!
I would like to see either a fridge, dresser/wardrobe/toybox (something that we can store stuff in) or a bed. Also, while it definitely needs to be PSI, could we maybe see something that would meld well with one of the themes already created in the WShop. Your PSIs are great but sometimes they go with absolutely none of the themes or room designs currently available and so clash really badly!
awesome pet! i think the PSI should be either a tiger lily couch, a tiger lily plant, or a tiger lily dress, as for the PSF, i think it should be tiger lily ice cream.
A tigerlily plant would be so cool! And that idea of the tigerlily ice cream? You are so creative!
Oooh! A plant would be cool… Maybe even have your pet be able to interact with it…. Like sit on it? :D
thanks! :)
I would love to see a pond PSI!
I think a Tiger lily pond would be cute too with like stepping stones the pet could walk across or a Tiger lily garden with lots of growing tiger lilies and a little bench in the middle that has an arch going over top.
YESSSS ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! I would buy the pet just for that PSI
A tigerlilly garden would be AWESOME. With not just tiger lillys but other plants too.
Great job!
Ok I guess it’s sorta cute. Its special item could be a Tigerlily Perch and its food could be Tigerlily cookies.
Your idea for Tiger Lily cookies is awesome!
Congratulations!!!!! I think a good item would be a tiger lily chair It would be in the shape of a tiger lily and would have the same designs as the dog. A pond or a tiger lily bed would be awesome also!
I love the idea for the pond! I second that. :)
definitely a pond surrounded by tiger lilies.
I love the idea of a pond with Tiger Lilys or a bid bed with the headboard all made of Tiger Lilys. That would be beautiful. I can always add ponds and beds to my house.
And to every one else who competed!
Good job!
Tiger Lilly ice tea (psf) tiger Lilly couch or bed (psi) and congrats to the winner and the finalist!
I would of liked the Sparky pup to win, but oh well! Congrats anyway! =]
I totally agree. They all should turn into pets. ALL 10 !!!!!!! !
Totally make a psi bed with 2 or 3 tiger lillys leaning over it… hmm psf….. something like a iced tea like Powerpuffgirlsforever said with a lilly in it or on the side =]
I wish Ganz could have made all 6000+ puppies into pets :(
yeah… the people who didn’t win should get their pets and be able to log them into webkinz world. That would be awesome =(
That would be WAY too many pets! Some would have to retire as soon as they became pets! but I agree with bmarie1998 that all 10 finalists should be pets, especially the galaxy pup! that one’s really cute but I love them all congrats to the finalists!
I like that idea! Also like the pet, and congrats and great job to the winner/entries!
that is a awesome if it came true
This dog is sooooo cute! I’m glad that it won. Congrats to the 9 finalists too! You all did a great job!
I agree! Everyone did a great job! :lol: I really liked this one from the start! :mrgreen:
I love this pup it is soooo cute now I want one
Great job everybody!!!! I can’t wait to get the tigerlily pup!! :-)
I no i want one to like sooooooooooooooo bad !!!!!!
psi- tiger lily patch or tiger lily trampolind or tiger lilly bed. psifood-baked tiger lily seeds
yes congrats to all the 9 finalists and i will definitly buy the top dogs lol
When is it going to come to stores? =D Like the estore I really want to see it!!
I guess youll say.. you dont even have psf or psi yet lol just realized xD
June 4, 2014 :)
yay how to train your dragon 2 will be out by then!
will it be made a plush
i think the psi should be a tiger lily fountain and the psf should be full bloom french fries
I LOVE IT! Happy Webkinz Day, everyone! June 4, 2014 :) ! ! ! ! ! !
will it be a plush toy
Oh okay sweet ;D Sounds liek a long time but oh well lol
Will it be available in plush “stuffie” form too?
That you Marzipan!
Thank you Marzipan!
You rock snowball31802! :D
I can’t wait to see it on webkinz world,and good job to everyone else!!!!
Congrats finalists can’t wait to save for the puppy i am SOOOO!!!!!!!!! excited :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
i cant believe i didnt win! i’m so mad!
can’t you be happy for snowball!
It wont be in a plush btw it is going to be virtual in estore :/
SSOOOOOO CUTE!!! If I were a deluxe member I would TOTALLY buy this pup! Congratulations! :D
when will this come to stores as a plushy?(};
whoooo well done