Design a Dog Contest Winner…Revealed!


It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for… the reveal of the Design a Dog Contest winner!


The team had an incredibly tough time deciding a winner from among our 6000+ submissions! In the end, they went with a unique and beautiful design that kept catching their eye…


Congratulations to our winner, snowball31802 with the Tigerlily Pup!



This inventive pup will be available in the W Shop and the Ganz eStore on June 4, 2014. Until then, keep an eye on Webkinz Newz as we share elements of the design process!


A big congratulations to our 9 finalists, too!


Plus, if YOU have ideas for this pet’s pet-specific item (PSI) or pet-specific food (PSF), please leave them in the comment section below and our team will consider them as we complete our design! (Please note that there is no prize for suggesting an item that may be used).


Happy Webkinz Day, everyone!







265 Responses to Design a Dog Contest Winner…Revealed!

  1. Basketball555 says:

    I agree with eyestone123 about a tiger lily pond. For a pet food how about a tiger lily Mac & cheese. A bowl of Mac and cheese with tiger lilies ground up sprinkling the top.

  2. puppywebkinzppaw says:

    I think the PSI should be a Tigerlily Hair Flower. The PSF should be a tiger lily salad XD (Am I in the right mind?). Those are MY ideas. Also Congratulations! (even though I wanted the legendary webkinz to win) Dear Ganz, HOLD MORE CONTESTS LIKE THIS!!!! :)

  3. dinosaurtracker13 says:

    I think that the pet’s PSI should be Tiger Lily Seeds!

  4. morganthesmartypants says:

    how about lily lemon drops or lovely lily lollypops for the food

  5. monarch02WK says:

    That pup is soooo cute. My friend entered to. My real name is butterfly05WK.I only say my real name is butterfly05WK if im putting in the comment.

  6. cutie567 says:

    good job snowball :)

  7. Julie3 says:

    Congrats, that pup is sooo cute :)

  8. Cookie1236 says:

    HOORAY! Is the tigerilly pup gonna be a new webkinz?

  9. sashaprince16 says:

    This dog is so cute I wish had thought of it!!

  10. KawaiiWolf says:

    Tiger lily shaped peanut butter sandwich and tiger striped bed

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