Happy Valentine’s Day!



Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day full of fun and friendship.


Today, February 14, is jam-packed with fun on Webkinz.com! Log in to get your special Valentine’s Day gift, spin the Super Wheel for a chance to win a great prize, complete your Chocolate Collection with Cinnamon Hamster’s help, and work on your Valentine Collection, which ends February 28!


If you want to send some last-minute Valentines, you can print Webkinz ones for free here!


Have a blast hanging out with friends and eating TONS of chocolate!


Your friend,


Mayor of Kinzville


96 Responses to Happy Valentine’s Day!

  1. pattyfrog72 says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I hope you all got what you wanted and could spend time with your friends, both the human ones and our Webkinz variety.

  2. luckypuppy says:

    I cant get the gift I have logged on different times and still haven’t got it my siblings cant get it either does anyone know what I should do?

  3. legos12321 says:

    HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. liloldlady12 says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone.

  5. warriors2002 says:

    thanks :) happy v-day :)

  6. doodlepoodle678 says:

    My dad took me to AC Moore to get 3 new Webkinz as my Valentine’s Day gift. I got the Webkinz Alley Cat and named HIM Rufus, I got the Webkinz Lion and named HIM Michael, and last but not least, I got the Webkinz Mud Hippo and named HER Destiny! I hope everybody got a nice box of choclates and enjoys their Valentine’s Day! If you would like to friend me on Webkinz my username is Poody678! Sincerly, your friend ~doodlepoodle678~

  7. strangequiet42 says:

    happy valentine everyone

  8. LadyBeauty says:

    ♥Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!♥ I actually won the Pink Wardrobe on the Super Wheel!! I was so surprised!! ♪♫LadyBeauty♪♫

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