New Merry Go Round Wheel Prize!


Unlock Recess each time you sign up your pet for 15 full days of classes at the Kinzville Academy! Remember, a “full day” of class is when you try any 3 classes with your pet.


There are fun games you can try at Recess, including the Merry Go Round Game!



Click on the Merry Go Round during your next Recess and give it a spin for the chance to win one of the following prizes, including the NEW Librarian’s Desk which will be available on August 10th:



Which Merry Go Round prize is your favorite? Please leave a comment in the section below…



32 Responses to New Merry Go Round Wheel Prize!

  1. Spiderhulkman says:

    I’m looking forward to the chance of getting that school bus.

  2. beaubo says:

    wow love the new librarian desk!

  3. KraftyMomOf2 says:

    Now these are great prizes! Definitely need to have recess more often than every two weeks tops …

  4. obie987 says:

    Love the librarian desk.

  5. loriee29 says:

    Love the Librarian Desk

  6. Beckinz8 says:

    OOOooo… a shiny new librarian desk! I’ll head back to school early for that one!

  7. duckgirl1118 says:

    i love every prize but the bus. i got several of those and have nothing to do with them.

  8. 4CheeseTortellini says:

    Love the new Librarian’s Desk! Looking forward to spinning – Thanks so much :o)

  9. moremoo says:

    Ooh Librarians desk!!!

  10. Dolphinlover55 says:

    Did anyone notice that pet in the right bottom corner of the pictures of the prizes next to the cow? I’ve never seen it before…

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