Movie Showcase – Saige’s Sick Day

Ice Wolf31 gives us a day in the life of a sick Webkinz pet.


What does your Webkinz pet get up to when off sick? Reply in the comments below, or make your own KinzTube video and send it to!

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20 Responses to Movie Showcase – Saige’s Sick Day

  1. Pokekinz says:

    Ahhh tiny hoodies!! So cute :3

  2. RaguAlfredoSauce says:

    im feeling sick too!

  3. ilovemoonie says:

    Haha, that was a pretty funny video! ;) Congratulations on being featured, Ice Wolf31! Your video was awesome! :D

  4. FoxesRule612 says:

    Cute! Fantastic job, Ice Wolf31! I think some of my pets would just stay home and lie around if they got sick (just like what I do.) Others would go outside and get some fresh air.

  5. heidivike says:

    Awesome and super cute

  6. JadeWebkinz1 says:

    Nice vid! Haha, so funny! XD

  7. kat6401 says:

    nice little movie….congrats Icewolf31 !

  8. FennecFox says:

    *chuckles* Hey, that was a good video! :D Congratulations on being featured, Ice Wolf31!

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Haha, that was funny! Great video, Icewolf31! Congrats on being featured!

  10. LuckyTheBeagle says:

    Haha this was funny. Congrats on being featured, Ice Wolf31! :D

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