Movie Showcase: Top 5 Most Forgotten About Webkinz!


YouTuber xGalaxi Girlx poses an interesting question in this video: which 5 adorable Webkinz are the least-remembered of all?



Which oft-forgotten Webkinz would make your list? Tell us in the comments!


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73 Responses to Movie Showcase: Top 5 Most Forgotten About Webkinz!

  1. gcate7 says:

    I think the lil peanut pup is forgotten I have it but I’ve never seen another one. EVER!!!!!

    • Hhayes says:

      Woah you must be right because right now I’m trying to picture the lil peanut pup in my head and I have no clue what it looks like! I don’t know if I’ve even heard of it!

  2. ilovemlp22 says:

    Reason I Ignore These Webkinz 1. I Don’t Like Knit Sock Webkinz 2. THEY HAVE A DODO BIRD?! 3. They Snowman Makes No Sense, Why Did They Even Make That 4. I Don’t Like His Attenea Or HIs Body Shape. 5. The Donkeys Ok, but its to Colorful for me.

    • xmy9tailxkinz says:

      WHAT!!!!!!!! These Webkinz are AMAZING how could you not like them!!!!!!?

    • shuggylay says:

      Yep, they have a Dodo Bird! I’m surprised you don’t like the other Webkinz. I think all of them are amazing!

    • FennecFox says:

      ilovemlp22, that’s crazy! I don’t know how you can’t like any of these webkinz! Maybe you are just a very picky person…. :o

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      I personally don’t like knit sock webkinz that much either, but I think the Dodo bird, the snowman, are adorable! The caterpillar makes perfect sense… I mean it’s a caterpillar.. Not like its some random thing from space it’s perfectly normal. I think the Pinata donkey is cute! I love all of the colors.. Well, I guess ‘to each his own’.

      • FoxesRule612 says:

        I think the most forgotten about Webkinz are the Fennec fox (seriously, I’ve only seen one other person besides me that has one!) And the froofroo fox

  3. prettyfacebay says:

    thay are so cute

  4. prettyfacebay says:

    i need to get those webkinz

  5. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Lol, I love the Snowman, it’s so cute.. x3

    • WebkinzLover2015 says:

      How cute… I LOVE the Donkey Pinata, it’s so colorful and I LOVE colorful things!!!!, and the other ones are sweet too!!! One Webkinz I’ve never heard before is the Peanut Pup, one of my friends said to me about it few days ago and when I saw it I was……. WoW… HOW SWEEEEEEEEET!!! ~.* :D :)

  6. fluff54 says:

    I would say the little kinz elephant is forgotten, that was my first Webkinz and it seems like when trading every one has these “new” made-up pets like Mohawk Puppy, and pom pom chinchilla, not real animals, and I also think the rooster is forgotten!! I got it on thanksgiving like 4 years ago when my grandparents thought It was a turkey! xD

  7. shuggylay says:

    I have the Snowman! I named him Frosty. My sister has the Caterpillar. She named her Inchy and takes the plush with her everywhere she goes.

  8. xmy9tailxkinz says:

    You know she is RIGHT!

    • Shadow_Wolf_Rises says:

      Not the Pinata… that one’s pretty common, I think, in the banners… and there’s a game about the caterpillar. I definitely agree with the ostrich, though, and probably the snowman.

    • SignatureIsland says:

      MY top 5 Most Forgotten About Webkinz are 1. Lil’ Peanut Pup 2. Puggle Puppy 3. Rottweiler 4. Chillin Sea Lion 5. The St. Bernard Just my opinions on the most forgotten about Webkinz!

  9. monkeyfun15 says:

    I never got to see the new Webkinz that came out In August, only the Cinnamon Guinea Pig. What happened to the other Webkinz? sorry that this is off topic. :I

  10. littleshoff says:

    Ohmygosh I totally forgot about the snowman :o. I guess that’s why it made this list… Hmm what ones do i think are most forgotten? I agree with the snowman, lady ostrich, weimaraner, ginger cat, and the dodo bird (i guess i agree with that one too).

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