Look for the floating pack of seeds during Veggie Fest and click on it to earn a new pack of Growing Garden seeds! There are 5 to collect: cherry tomatoes, onions, lettuce, butternut squash and celery (limited to 2 a day for free players, 3 for full and 4 for Deluxe):
Drag a pack of Growing Garden seeds into your pet’s room to plant them. After a few days, your plants will be ready to harvest. Your pets will love Farm Fresh food! There are even 2 recipes you can make with these new veggies!
Combine Farm Fresh Butternut Squash, Onion and Celery on a stove, to make a hearty bowl of Summer Soup:
You can also make a Summer Sandwich by combining Farm Fresh Cherry Tomatoes, Lettuce and Bread on a sandwich maker:
One special pack of Growing Garden seeds will only be available from Webkinz Newz. From August 17 – 26, visit Webkinz Newz and click on the Daisy’s Patio header to get a pack of Growing Garden Parsnip Seeds!
Play Webkinz every day during Veggie Fest and collect as many seeds as you can!
I need one more pack of lettuce seeds to finish my garden. I was so hoping on the last day I would get lettuce, but it was not to be. If anyone has extras my username is rainbowtwingirls.
Hey guys! Guess what? I finished it!!!! I’m so happy! Thank you Webkinz! Webkinz is the best!!! Good luck everyone!