New Pet Care Section in the WShop!


Looking for a little help caring for your pets and earning Family Score? Now you can visit the Pet Care section of the WShop to find everything you need to know!





Also, look for the Pet Care Guidebook, filled with helpful tips on how best to take care of your Webkinz pets while earning lots of Family Score and prizes!





How many Family Score prizes have YOU earned? Let us know in the comments below!


106 Responses to New Pet Care Section in the WShop!

  1. Alphaowlbear says:

    It seems to me this guidebook should have come out when Webkinz X was introduced nearly 2 years ago. I am about two weeks away to the 250,000 mark and earning the Kinzcash machine. It’s taken me two years to get this far. At this rate it will take me 6 more years to reach the million mark and that just seems unattainable. I wish we had the option to participate in the family score or discontinue that feature if we choose not to play that way. Honestly, constant pet care uses a majority of the time I allot myself to play Webkinz and sometimes I really miss the way it was before Webkinz X. I didn’t mind if my pets got sick sometimes, at least they weren’t crying for a new hat or game when I’m trying to make a new room. Also, the sinks in the mobile app have never worked nor do they award pet care points.

    • griffoned says:

      That wasn’t the point of pet care. Why would you want to discontinue a function that does not have any drawbacks? It think there should also be daily pet care prizes that change each month. You could get a random item for satisfying ten twenty and thirty pets each day.

  2. Twistersmom says:

    I guess I need to look at the book to see if they have how to handle the request to go to class when they can’t because they have completed all the classes.

  3. tinygma says:

    Add “<3 Care" to your maps to find <3 Care rooms faster ;) . GL

  4. Eilish says:

    I stopped trying months ago after reaching the million goal several times over. I asked if we should continue and the reply was more prizes would come after more people reached one million. Well, several people are well over two million. Nothing else has been mentioned about more prizes. All of my hearts are now empty. I now play as I did before Family Score prizes ever started. By the way, it took just over three months to reach the first million with another million every three months. (147 pets).

    • ferretfuzzbut says:

      Wow, how do you have the time to care for all of those pets. I have 15 and have a hard time giving them all attention!!! I think I wouldn’t have time to play games or decorate if I had that many pets and then webkinz wouldn’t be as much fun. We have accessory accounts in my house and when I get on them the pets always look sad but I don’t bother with the pet care because it is just where I store things (that I can send anyway) and get extra spins when I like the wheels or special events. I would hate to play with my pets always looking sad

      • tinygma says:

        over 100 pets here and i was careing for them all .

        • tinygma says:

          Time your self pet care is fast when items in room . ALSO i added this <3 it is a heart to show on my map ALL rooms set up for pet care. This way if I have a common room in the middle of 4 pets so they can share <3 care rm. Having it on the map makes it so much faster if you are in a pets room with out a sink or tub to JUMP to a CARE RM <3 ;) !!! GL!!!

          • Eilish says:

            Great ideas, tinygma, I use a similar method. I mark my rooms using alternating upper case X’s and O’s. I fill the entire room name space this way. It really stands out on my large map. I think I’ll send you a rose. Eilish

      • Eilish says:

        Hi ferretfuzzbut, It actually didn’t take very long. Insomniacs, trying to remain quiet, and with nothing else to do during the night contributed. Daytimes were free to do other things.

    • kittymade10 says:

      Wow Eilish, I only have 38 pets.

      • griffoned says:

        That sounds convenient. I don’t think I have a room with all Pet Care items but I make sure to do everything for pet care. I don’t mind being behind. I’m just over 20,000 in my family score, but I almost always follow pet requests. If they ask for something in the wshop that isn’t specific, I will typically buy almonds.

  5. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Cool! :) Let’s see.. to answer the question, I think I have most of the prizes… I have about 50,000 points on one of my accounts, and around 39,000 on the other

  6. stinkum5 says:

    Hi! Ganz, do you plan on adding more Family Score prizes. I’ve gotten them all.

  7. cmsrockz1 says:

    I have them all but the last two..cmsrockz

  8. tinygma says:

    A lot of times the Toadstool trampoline would not work for pet care in the past !!! HAVE you fixed it ? Are the items shown the only items that can be used for pet care ? Will sinks not shown wash pets and give us pet care done ?

  9. Ttgbird14 says:

    Just reached the water slide today

    • tink1706 says:

      What water slide ?

      • kittymade10 says:

        The slide you get at like I think 10,000. I’m not really sure.

      • ImaPepper says:

        Hi, tink1706–Ttgbird14 and YADO are referring to the Family Score prizes you can earn by taking care of your pets. You can view all the prizes, with the points needed to earn them, in WW by clicking on the Family Score icon–it’ll be next to your pet care heart at the top of the page. Hope that answers your questions–have fun taking care of your pets! ;-)

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Congrats Ttbird14!! I love that water slide! I have it paired with the surf pool in an amusement park room. The surf pool counts as a pool and raises your pet’s pet care, boosting your family score! Enjoy!! :)

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