People’s Choice Award



The Webkinz Newz community voted for their favorite room design and I am pleased to announce that Boper911′s Hungry Hog room won the People’s Choice Award! Here are the official voting results:



Congratulations Boper911! Designing a room based on one of our Arcade games was a brilliant idea and you pulled it off perfectly! We will be adding a Room Design Trophy to your Webkinz account on Monday. Please be aware that it may take a few days for it show up on your account.



26 Responses to People’s Choice Award

  1. MEG_WEBKINZ says:

    CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE FINALISTS AND WINNERS!!! I am really happy for all of you! You guys are so creative and I love seeing your designs! Congrats!!

  2. roseanne says:

    Congratulations Poper911, your room is very creative and well thought out, it does look like “you’re” in the game. Good Job..from Wylady a/k/a Roseanne

  3. trexjt2013 says:

    BOPER911, This is Awesome!!!! Your room is (pun intended) HOG HEAVEN!!!! Love this room and never in a million years would I have thought of it. The creative minds of Webkinz Players is so inspiring. Trophy Well Deserved My Friend!!!!

  4. ilovemoonie says:

    Congrarulations, Boper911! Your hungry hog room was really creative! :D

  5. EmilyCuteHeart says:

    Yay! Congrats! I voted for this room because Hungry Hog is one of my favorite arcade games.

  6. 50ishwebbies says:

    wAAAAAAAAAAAy t0 GO Boper!!!! Congratulations friend! Couldn’t be happier for you right now! Job well done <3

  7. Nattie says:

    To all the ten finalists… congratulations for a job well done! Congratulations to BOPER911 for the people’s choice award for your very clever Hungry Hog room. Love your bees and your hog and all those corn stalks! Congratulations to TREXJt201 for the creative team’s choice award. I thought that your race track was very, very original and I just loved it. Congratulations to WYLADY for Michael’s choice award for your airplane. It must have taken you such a long time to set this room up and I especially love your flight attendants and luggage room!

    • roseanne says:

      Nattie: thank you for your compliments of my room design..Yes it took me over an hour to board the plane with passengers LOL I have since updated my plan with POTM seating in First Class, and POTM Airplane windows (although they do not look quite as good, in my opinion, at least in this particular plane. I love those flight attendents and their carts also, Again, thank you so much for your comments…Huge Congratulations to Boper911 and Trexjt2013 from Wylady a/k/a Roseanne

  8. webkinzplayersrock says:

    WOW..Congrats on the landslide win..I personally voted for huggable :) YOUR room rocked..BUT the winning rooms..Great job :)

  9. 4ulittleone2 says:

    Congrats! Very creative, Glad their doing Pinky’s adventure trophy after seeing your design.

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