Room Design Awards: Time to Vote!



It’s time to vote for your favorite room design (click on the button below to vote)! You can see the room designs that were created by the 10 finalists HERE. You can vote once a day from June 2 – June 5 (ending at noon). Each time you vote, 50 KinzCash will be added to your Webkinz World account!


We will post the results of the vote and announce the top 3 room designs on Saturday June 6th. Congratulations to all 10 finalists and good luck!


***Voting has officially ended. We will be posting the results on Webkinz Newz on Saturday June 6th…


100 Responses to Room Design Awards: Time to Vote!

  1. morggymoo says:

    I don’t know why but I adore the cooking classroom. I would never have thought to do that. The rest of the rooms look amazing too. Good job guys!

  2. warriors2002 says:

    Voting for the Wacky River Room and Victorian Garden!!:)

  3. Immuyuk says:

    Hi oats34wk! How r ya? Sorry I can’t meet you in WW this evening, our school Spring Concert is tonight, how about tomorrow? Your bff, Essie****

  4. webkinzrockz131 says:

    How did the wacky river ride go from somewhere in the TEENS to 33? And how did The Webkinz day party room go from 24 to 18????????? ~webkinzrockz131~

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