Sally’s Choice


Congratulations dumbdumb0! Sally loved your room and you have won a Room Design Trophy!


Here’s what she had to say about your room:


“I love this combination of prizes and themes! The Tween theme coordinates so well with the Kawaii Kitchen and the Funky Girl theme, and the Moon Bear’s bed is perfect. I see some Easter prizes, too, as well as stuff from the Arcade shop and posters from winning Sparky’s challenges. Long live, pink, purple, teal and yellow!”



dumbdumb0, please check your inbox for an email that will explain how to get your trophy!


3 Responses to Sally’s Choice

  1. hiphophipposrule2007 says:

    I love everything about this room & all my favorite colors together in one space! An award well deserved! Congratulations!

  2. KSC says:

    Congratulations dumbdumb0! I love the color scheme in your room design.

  3. megamom12 says:

    This is such a Sally choice, and I liked it too!

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