Sneak Peek: Winterfest Cookies


Starting January 1st, look for boxes of Winterfest Cookies on sale at the W-Shop for eStore Points. You’ll find them in the NEW & PROMOS section of the shop.



Drag a box of Winterfest Cookies into your pet’s room to open it. Once it’s opened, your cookies will appear in your Dock. Drag and drop one onto your Webkinz to feed your pet. Each time you do, you’ll have a chance to win one of the following prizes including the Gand Prize: A Snow Fort Slide:


What do you think of this year’s Snowflake Cookie prizes? Will you be picking up a pack of cookies for your pets? Please leave your comments below…



51 Responses to Sneak Peek: Winterfest Cookies

  1. 4CheeseTortellini says:

    This year’s Winterfest Cookie prizes are cool! The Boy’s Figure Skates, Pile of Snowballs, and Winterfest Wacky Plushy are especially cute, and the Snow Fort Slide Grand Prize is awesome! Looking forward to building an ice rink with the Winterfest Snowflake & Cookie prizes – Can’t wait till January 1st! Thanks for the Sneak Peek :o)

  2. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Awesome prizes, but I won’t be buying any cookies. =P

  3. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Okay, so what is the “Design a 2017 Pet contest that runs through Jan. 1 – 31?”

  4. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    I noticed that Ganz made a mistake in their typing. “Including the Gand Prize” They said Gand not Grand.

  5. ferretfuzzbut says:

    Love these but I don’t usually buy the cookies :(

  6. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    I need the Skating Outfit!

  7. GreenSecret says:

    Amazing prizes

  8. 1955tiny says:

    I know its a lot but I would be SO HAPPY if I only got a couple SNOW COVERED TREES and of course the Frosty Wacky plush . He looks like he needs a hug to warm him up. HALLOWEEN ROOMS Winterfeat Wacky is WHITE he could DOUBLE AS A GHOST !!! VERY INTERESTING where I live outside the box ;) .

  9. LovesStaffordshires says:

    I would LOVE to get the Figure Skating clothing items, the blue team snow suit, the pile of snowballs, & the benches. Pittiesrule

  10. 50ishwebbies says:

    ahhhhh a BLACKHAWKS Jersey!!!! AND helmet! O M Goodness! Finally, I can dress one of my pets as Corey Crawford! THANK YOU design team for these awesome prizes!!!

    • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

      ♪Snow glow white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen. ♪ And I can’t remember the rest of the lyrics except for Let it go and the cold never botherd me anyway.

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