The Webkinz Panda Plush is Retiring This Month!


Earlier this summer we announced that we would be changing our retirement program. Instead of retiring a pet each week, we will be retiring a pet each month. Plus, players who have adopted the retired pet on their account can play the Counting Sailboats game EVERY Sunday of the month! Retired pet owners will also receive a special gift box on the last Sunday of the month that’s filled with goodies.



We are pleased to announce that the Webkinz Plush Panda is retiring in September! The Panda has been a very popular pet and was originally released back in 2006! It is officially retiring this month along with the Ming Vase Panda Fridge and Bamboo Pandaloni, the Panda’s adoption gifts:



Webkinz Panda owners can play the Counting Sailboats game EVERY Sunday this month and try to win a rare piece of clothing that can ONLY be won by playing the game. You can access the game from Today’s Activities:



Panda owners can also pick up a special gift box from Today’s Activities on Sunday September 28th. Want to know what’s inside? We’re going to reveal what’s in the gift box RIGHT HERE on Webkinz Newz Monday, September 8th!



The Webkinz Plush Panda has been a very popular pet so I’m sure there will be many people participating in the retirement activities throughout the month. Congratulations Panda owners… your pet is now a collector’s item!


Do you have a Webkinz Panda? What do you think is inside that Retirement Gift Box? Please leave your comments below…

156 Responses to The Webkinz Panda Plush is Retiring This Month!

  1. PrincessAnna says:

    I have the panda! It’s named Rosie lol! I wonder what’s inside the box hmmm- maybe something rainbow colored!

  2. strawberryswirls27 says:

    So happy to have a panda! Can’t wait to see what is inside.

  3. jimzy13 says:

    pupcakes88, I saw your page and saw you wanted the neon lamp! I have it, and I was the crazy tigerlily pup (kisses) who gave you the lamp for food! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    • prprprprp says:

      Yeah, I was just going to thank you for that when I saw you commented! Thanks so much! :) I wasn’t sure if the trade was exactly fair though-do you want me to send you something else in return for it? I mean, yeah you can only get the Butterscotch Pancakes when you buy the Butterscotch Retriever, but still, it’s food….well, thanks so much for trading with me! :)

  4. dawnb21 says:

    I love my panda! His name is Junzi, one of my first Webkinz :) Can’t wait, thank you Ganz!

  5. LKAGI2 says:


  6. oldkinzlover says:

    Love this so much! Thanks for coming up with a better way to do pet retirement prizes. Makes large amount of pet owners like me glad I have so many and that I have been a member almost from the beginning.

  7. rainelda says:

    Aww I love the panda! almost all my family members have one XD its so cute…

  8. supersorcerygames says:

    Can u still buy it in game?

  9. JaneOfAllTrades says:

    I have a girl panda named Penny. Sad to see it retire… I am excited about counting sailboats though. I’ve never done it before and I really want the sailor dress.

    • pink100j says:

      oh and JaneOfAllTrades, if you ever want to trade anything sailor related, just go to kinzchat plus! EVERYBODY wants sailor! They will call it sail for short btw. :)

  10. xoingtoby says:

    Excited to be able to play the retirement party games every Sunday – that’s a great idea, Ganz. And a special box of goodies – maybe there is a wish token in there? That would be cool.

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