Wacky Ice Cream Cone Event!


From August 1–12, look for Wacky Ice Cream Cones floating across your screen on Webkinz Classic, and click on them to collect them!



Every time you feed your pet a Wacky Ice Cream Cone, you’ll have the chance to win a Wacky Ice Cream Truck Fridge!



Don’t miss a day of the Wacky Zingoz Celebration, so you can collect as many Wacky Ice Cream Cones as you can!



12 Responses to Wacky Ice Cream Cone Event!

  1. SweetFlop says:

    I got the ice cream truck after eating my firtst cone, yay! :D

  2. mugal says:

    I just fed my pet an ice cream for the first time and won the fridge..

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