Webkinz Day Cakes on the Wheel of Yum!


To celebrate our 10th anniversary, we’re having 10 days of spins on a special Wheel of Yum!


Visit Today’s Activities from April 29th to May 8th to see when you can spin the Wheel of Yum each day.


For each spin, you’ll have a chance to win one Webkinz Day cake– from years 1 through 8!



You won’t want to miss a day for your 10 chances to spin and win these delicious special prizes!


How many Webkinz Day cakes do YOU already have? Let us know in the comments below!


127 Responses to Webkinz Day Cakes on the Wheel of Yum!

  1. Loveyscupcake2014 says:

    i have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and not 9 if anyone has an extra nine plz send it to me my user is the same as on here

  2. mnd2011 says:

    What is going on? I am trying to spin the wheel and I keep getting logged out of my account and there’s only 20 minutes left to spin for today. Webkinz Please Help Me

  3. AwesomeWebkinz09 says:

    I love webkinz!!!!

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