Choose Your Own Story – Booger Looks for the Gem







Choose Your Own Story – Booger Looks for the Gem

Booger started down the hill. He was determined to find his missing ruby. As he half stumbled, half slid down the steep incline, he wasn’t sure where to start. He crawled around under a large scraggly bush for a while, patting the ground with his hands, but every time he felt what he thought might be his lost gem, it would turn out to be just an ordinary stone.

Then he lay on his stomach on the grass and fanned his arms back and forth over the tall blades. Nothing. Booger couldn’t believe his luck. After almost an hour of rolling around in the grass and shrubs, he knew it was useless. He was never going to find the gem. He stood up and dusted himself off.

He started the long climb up the side of the hill. It was steeper than it had seemed on the way down and Booger had to be careful to find a sturdy foothold, or a small sapling or root to grasp onto, lest he tumble back down to the grasses below. Slowly but surely, he made his way up the slope. At one point he slipped and his knee came down hard on something sharp. Booger grimaced and looked down. His trousers had ripped and there on his leg was a bright droplet of blood. But as Booger brushed it away, he realized it was solid. He looked down at the ground. Lying on the ground below him was his ruby – that was what had stuck into his leg. He hadn’t been bleeding at all.

Booger scooped up the red jewel and stuffed it into his pocket, then continued to trudge up the hill.

To find out what happens next, click here.

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