Collect Chocolates with Cinnamon!

Valentine’s Day is soon, and it’s time to celebrate!


Between February 7-14, visit Cinnamon the Hamster once per day at her Chocolate Stand in the Kinzville Park and she’ll give you a special Chocolate for your Collection! When you collect all 6 Chocolates, you’ll win an awesome Cinnamon Chocolate Fridge!



But remember: one of these 6 Chocolates can only be found at Webkinz Newz. Click on the floating chocolate to grab it for your Collection.


Plus, if you miss a day (or two, or three, or more!) you can still purchase your missing Chocolates with your eStore points. Just click on the “Get It!” button on your Collection window!


And that’s not all for Valentine’s Day fun! Watch for the all-new Valentine’s Day Challenge on Webkinz Friends. When you play, you can win cool prizes, plus an exclusive prize to send back to Webkinz World!


Have fun playing these great events this Valentine’s!

110 Responses to Collect Chocolates with Cinnamon!

  1. Sherri says:

    i hope that all the gliches are out before this starts so that I can get the chocolate from webkinz news to my webkinz account.

    • egrandma says:

      I sure hope so too, but I’m not counting on it.

    • eeth says:

      I’m with you and hoping the glitches are out of Newz so that I’ll be able to collect that chocolate. I’ve been missing out on all the latest things because whenever I click on a floatie or find a lamp ad, all that pops up is “webpage is unavailable.” I hope it’s fixed by the dates for the chocolate. I can’t even spend the moneyz that I’ve earned. Bummer.

    • rach1794 says:

      I agree. Peek-a-newz is now not working for me. I don’t get the form to fill out once I’ve found 5 (and I’m entering the contest correctly). And since they’ve stopped letting us know what we won here when we sign in to our account in WW I have no idea if anything has been placed in my dock!

    • lovewanted1 says:

      you can get it, i got it like 10 times and i want more frends so can you add me, my IDis lovewanted1!!!plz plz plz add me!!!!!

  2. MEME says:

    Glad this isn’t for deluxe memeber or e store only. Eveyrbody can do this and they’re always fun too. Hope the bring back the adventure park challenge like they had last year. I don’t have adventure pet, but it was fun to do. Wish I could finish my challenge before Feb. 10, but alas its deluxe membership only. GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Katzndawz says:

    Can’t wait. I love Valentine’s Day and chocolates.

  4. binkybohboh says:

    What an awesome fridge! aw I absolutely love it. Thank you for such a cool event!

  5. TennesseeFrogs says:

    Thanks Ganz! I remember they did this a few years ago where we collected roses from the hamster. It was fun!

  6. KraftyMomOf2 says:

    This is a great event!! Thanks!!

  7. oscrgrchy says:

    That is awesome, hope I can come all six days since I can’t do eStore. It is soooo cute

  8. cathouse2 says:

    Yes! Something is in the Kinzville park this time! I can’t wait to collect some chocolates! >>cathouse2

  9. Webkinz User says:

    This is going to awesome can’t wait

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