Coming Soon: Curly Camel!

The Webkinz Curly Camel will be in stores this March!

70 Responses to Coming Soon: Curly Camel!

  1. unet101 says:

    ITS ADORABLE! I can’t wait to see what it looks oike online!

  2. Shauni says:

    well, it is an interesting pet 4 sure!! it is kinda cute.

  3. matiepie says:

    I love camels, and wild animals. Because my dad rescues animals and we take care of them until we find them a place to live. If we can’t find them a zoo to live in or a home. When they grow up, and learn to take care of themselves, we put them back into they’re wild habitat so i really want that camel!

    ♥ matiepie♥

  4. Jinx57 says:

    Ahhh…he’s cute!

  5. Josie says:

    awwww hhaaha i want it!

  6. tubbytobe says:

    and how exactly do you play this

  7. snuggles56100 says:


  8. hopsworth says:

    Neat! I wonder what the PSI is. Have to know before I decide.


  9. gymdog says:

    I wonder what it looks like.. :sneak: :mrgreen: :grin:

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