Coming Soon: Holidoodle

The Holidoodle will be in stores this October!

95 Responses to Coming Soon: Holidoodle

  1. electricdreamz says:

    Love it!

  2. dolphinz540 says:

    Aww looks like my plumfadoodle! So cute i might get it for Christmas ’cause it looks like a Christmas pet!

  3. jr312 says:

    do not like this not really holiday animal

  4. redsox7234 says:

    not found of this one. sorry.

  5. ameag2 says:

    Oh how cool! :D

  6. HawaiiCM says:

    Thats cute!

  7. tinygma says:

    Hmmm its not real pretty I wonder what the virtual looks like and the PSI.

  8. princessmarlisa says:

    I want this so much!

  9. webkinzqueen says:

    He is so cool.I love christmas webkinz pets alot.I would call him cheer or if was a girl.Call her holly or magical lights.

  10. bottomsup says:

    How cute are you? love it!

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