Coming Soon: Musical Dalmatian

Check out the Musical Dalmatian, one of May 2013′s featured Webkinz pets!

95 Responses to Coming Soon: Musical Dalmatian

  1. SREEBWebkinz says:

    I love him!! He’s a dalmatian (my favortie animal) and i play an instrument so its music and i love it! <3

  2. KraftyKinz says:

    I NEED that Webkinz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D lol

  3. Stealthstorm says:

    Super coolio! Luvie! I play so many instruments, so this is COOL!

  4. kathryn says:

    It doesn’t really look like a dalmatian…

  5. Andys23 says:

    Awesome! I love dogs and I love music!! This is a great idea for a pet… I wonder how WEBKINZ comes up with these all the time… O_o

  6. robin says:

    This is just OMG CUTE!! I really want this pup. Dont even care what the PSI is.

  7. VampiresRock says:

    Buying! End of story

  8. firafairy2222 says:

    Wow! I love this! I think I’ll get one for my piano teacher. She’d like that.

  9. Emma0074 says:

    the eyes….. i never was a fan of puppies and never will be.

  10. dancer99 says:

    im getting this, but ill have to find a store first.

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