Coming Soon: Raccutie

Check out the Raccutie — available later this year!

144 Responses to Coming Soon: Raccutie

  1. SHALOM555 says:

    How cute! I love him..

  2. CrazyCatCrib says:

    very cute. cuddly. what does the virtual one look like? maybe you could include that on these pages?

  3. brownypup6 says:

    this is coming from a boy, so don’t take it personally. THE TOP COLOR OF PURPLE IS NOT RIGHT! its just not the color of purple that was expected. and the name. IT SHOULD BE CALLED SOMETHING DIFFRENT. the feet color does give it a sense of royalty though.

  4. lovepuppy06 says:

    My friend have this pet :D and the pet is so cute

  5. puppywebkinzppaw says:

    OH!!!! I have to get it! its so cute! :) :) :) Its kinda about time webkinz start making racoons

  6. daisichain says:

    It looks so cuddly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. jennabanana2003 says:

    It looks like a baby version of the brilliant bandit. I want!

  8. leishillon says:

    omg so cute

  9. LittleRaini says:

    Looks kind of like a mix between the brilliant bandit and purple panda.

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