Coming Soon: Webkinz Rockerz Fox

The Webkinz Rockerz Fox will be in stores this March!

48 Responses to Coming Soon: Webkinz Rockerz Fox

  1. gibbousmoon says:

    Wow, this is awesome. I don’t normally like the Rockerz ones, but this is really cool.

  2. WebkinzPlushLover says:

    Hi guys! Well I seen this pet in real life and its really cute! I think I’m going to get this. A lot of times ganz show webkinz that don’t look cute when really they are super cute.

  3. kbk100 says:

    Wow this is a super cute rockerz i must have it!

  4. Tupelohoney01 says:

    to me, all the rockers pets look inappropriate

  5. WolvesRTheBest says:

    Wow!!! I love this rockerz! Finally a fox now all we need is a wolf rockerz ^-^

  6. LovelyGirl says:

    Rockin! This fox is an awesome pet. I really want this pet!


    I have every rockerz amd i love the rockerez series. I am SOOOO getting this ine

  8. becca says:

    i haven’t got a webkinz rockerz yet but i really wan’t this one :)

  9. ffmmssmm says:

    GANZ this is the best webkinz ever

  10. ffmmssmm says:

    Im going to be the first one to have it

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