Coming Soon: Webkinz Rockerz Leopard

The Webkinz Rockerz Leopard will be available in December 2012!

68 Responses to Coming Soon: Webkinz Rockerz Leopard

  1. LalaMoosh says:

    Also I forgot to say that Leopold is definitely a drummer. He’s GOT to be a drummer. Do you hear me Ganz? *HINT HINT* He would have a HUGE, candy apple red drum kit with dual bass drums, lots of cymbals with a good rider. a good bunch of rototoms, octobans, n maybe even a set of bar chimes. And like a cherry on top of an ice cream sundae, it would be topped off with a GONG!!! I LOVE DRUMS!!! I’ve been playing since I was 2 n started lessons when I was 6. For my last birthday my Uncle Paul gave me his old 9 piece Pearl drum kit he’s had for like ever. They were all black but he had pink sparkley stars stickers put on them for me. I love the Punk Kitty Rockerz but so far this is the best of the Rockerz so PLEASE let him be a DRUMMER! *Wait, maybe it’s a GIRL???* If he or she IS a drummer then I would so give them the last name of Paradiddle. :) Now I have to think of a cool girl name, just in case. ;) Good Night Webkinz Fanz everywhere!

  2. vinnysaur4709 says:

    If he represents PUNK name him Sid (as in Sid Viscious) Or Joey after Joey Ramone

  3. polerbear717 says:

    This looks like my friend when she’s feeling alive! :D

  4. sara says:

    it looks like a hippy leopard

  5. tru127 says:

    Cute! :D If I ever got a Rockerz Pet, this would probably be the one.

  6. ilovequakers11 says:

    This pet is supprisingly cute, i would considder gettting this one if i could!

  7. Brwnidjess says:

    I keep telling myself I’m not buying anymore but the keep making cuter and cuter wekinz! Love this!

  8. lovewebkinz321 says:

    i no the arctic fox is like a white wolf but its not a white wolf and i want them to make a white wolf because my sister loves wolves mostly white wolves

  9. Lala says:

    I LOVE this guy! I hope I get 1. I’d name him Leopold. More felines please!

  10. sara says:

    omg it looks like a hippy leopard

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