Alex’s Scientific Journal: The Shipwreck is NOT Haunted!

Alex Tiger










Alex Tiger here with a page out of my scientific journal!

My friends totally believe that that shipwreck is haunted, which just can’t be true. I know it’s spooky to think that there are actually ghosts aboard, but that’s nothing a bit of evidence can’t solve. Here are my scientific reasons why the ship may seem haunted but actually ISN’T:

  • Strong winds shaking the ship. That shuddering noise we all heard? Gusts of wind! Plus when it whistles through the boards it sounds like moaning.
  • Cool breezes off the water. Some people say that when you feel a chill, that means you walked through a ghost, but I don’t think so. The ship is on a beach, and that means cool breezes make it to shore—even through a boat’s cabin door! We felt a sea breeze, NOT a ghost.

See? There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m going to present my findings to my friends (especially Sparky, he was so scared!) and then they’ll see there’s no way there’s such a thing as a ghost!



25 Responses to Alex’s Scientific Journal: The Shipwreck is NOT Haunted!

  1. domo7072 says:

    I was in the ship and saw the ghost and my lil’kinz got so afraid all his happyness went down~~~

  2. domo7072 says:

    I was in the ship and saw the ghost and my lil’kinz got so afraid all his happyness went down

  3. ROCKERGIRL406 says:

    its a ghost i have seen it it scared my pet so bad it was zero, health and happiness

  4. GravityFallsDipper says:

    I don’t belive in ghosts and all that but, in my room, only when it’s just me in there, I hear wierd noises from outside the house and inside my room. Sometimes I can;t even sleap that night.

  5. cu99tie says:


  6. LalaMoosh says:

    It’s so hard to PROVE there are ghosts to people who never had something unexplainable happen to them. I don’t think the ship is haunted or has any ghosts beside the Ghost Pirate n his girlfriend, but my whole family has had para normal stuff happen. My Dad had something crazy happen when he was at work in an old ice cream store down the shore. While he was here when the whole family had seen something, it was even caught by our security cams but he always thought my mom n me were goofy when we talked about para normal things that happened to us. The scariest thing, I think, is when my sister was 3 n in the hospital, she kept seeing n talking to a girl nobody else could see. Every one was saying she had a make believe friend. But even if she was alone or my parents or others were visiting she kept talking to this girl. So no matter what Alex n the other people who don’t believe in spirits or ghosts say I believe they are real!!! I’ll still like you no matter if you believe or don’t believe, okay? Well now I really need to try to sleep. I hope I don;t have scary dreams now. Good night WebKinz fans.

  7. kinzking says:

    ghosts are real. but where you find them is another story. a old house, yes. an old shipwreck, maybe. it all matters where they are. plus there is the ghost in the clubhouse

  8. guineapigirl2 says:

    there is one cause my webkinz got scared of it

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