Alex’s Scientific Journal: The Shipwreck is NOT Haunted!

Alex Tiger










Alex Tiger here with a page out of my scientific journal!

My friends totally believe that that shipwreck is haunted, which just can’t be true. I know it’s spooky to think that there are actually ghosts aboard, but that’s nothing a bit of evidence can’t solve. Here are my scientific reasons why the ship may seem haunted but actually ISN’T:

  • Strong winds shaking the ship. That shuddering noise we all heard? Gusts of wind! Plus when it whistles through the boards it sounds like moaning.
  • Cool breezes off the water. Some people say that when you feel a chill, that means you walked through a ghost, but I don’t think so. The ship is on a beach, and that means cool breezes make it to shore—even through a boat’s cabin door! We felt a sea breeze, NOT a ghost.

See? There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m going to present my findings to my friends (especially Sparky, he was so scared!) and then they’ll see there’s no way there’s such a thing as a ghost!



25 Responses to Alex’s Scientific Journal: The Shipwreck is NOT Haunted!

  1. lemonbrownie says:

    NOPE, It’s a ghost sorry Alex! I’ve seen it before!

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    I agree with you daisichain!!!!

  3. daisichain says:

    I still think it’s Purcilla, but it could be the vacation island ghost. My friend found the ghost once and it scared her pet so much she couldn’t get her health and happiness up for a whole day! But I’ve been there twice and once i found a peice of the map.

    • lilspring says:

      daisichain I agree with you. I think Purr cilla has something to do with the ghost. I think she is getting even for not being invited to Sparkys party. And I have gotten the ghost three days in a row, thought I would never get my webkinz happy. Thankfully there is the spa to help. lol lilspring

  4. Kitty says:

    I’ve seen the ghost on theshipwreck in Webkinz, if you’re talking about the one on the beach at the vaca island. He’s a duck and sacred my pet so bad her happiness and health went WAY down.

  5. not true says:

    I do not believe in ghosts or spirits i never have and i never will

    • Cherry Starburst says:

      Me either. I might be the Vacation Island Ghost but in real life they r not real. I’m sorry I can not help persuade the Kinz’ but I agree w/ u. `CS~

  6. CoconutCloud says:

    Oh, try convincing your friends Alex! We’ll see if THEY believe you! ~CC~

  7. Gabriella♥ says:

    Very logical and scientific, Alex, I believe that. ♥Gabriella♥

  8. ATeenageWolf says:

    You’re gonna have a hard time convincing them, Alex! :cool:

  9. Lucky_13 says:

    Great conclusion Alex! I highly doubt that your friends will believe you. More likely they’ll keep saying it’s a ghost. I still think you did a good job. ;)

  10. jennifer says:

    But Alex, there really are such things as ghosts and spirits, my daughter caught one one her sons baby monitor. He was running from my g-sons play box to his bed. jennifer

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