Coming Soon: Webkinz Rockerz Leopard

The Webkinz Rockerz Leopard will be available in December 2012!

68 Responses to Coming Soon: Webkinz Rockerz Leopard

  1. WebkinzGal says:

    OMG THIS IS SUCH A CUTE PET!!! I didn’t really like the Rockerz Pets in October so these are awesome! I am TOTALLY getting him!!!

  2. Emily says:

    He’s so punk but really cute. He looks like a gangster cat that lives in a garbage can.

  3. leapord lover 102 says:

    OMG! He’s super cute hes a rockers and I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would name him Xavier.

  4. msc41501 says:

    i dont like alot of the rockerz pets….. BUT I LLOOOVVVVVVEEEEE THIS ONE!!!!!! omg he is ssssssooooo cute!!!!!!!! totally geting him!!!!!!!!~~~

  5. msc41501 says:

    i dont like alot of the rockerz pets….. BUT I LLOOOVVVVVVEEEEE THIS ONE!!!!!! omg he is ssssssooooo cute!!!!!!!! totally geting him!!!!!!!!

  6. splice239 says:

    They should make a Techno Pop Alley Cat , and its PSI should be a remixing station!

  7. dogs5678 says:

    i think it looks more like a pirate, but i still think it’scute!

  8. cutemoo12 says:

    Im all about lepards and this lepard is so cute!!!!!!!! And it’s a Rockerz!!!!!!! Thanks so much ganz!!!!!!!! :)

  9. Computerkid97 says:

    No…you all are wrong… This pet looks like the old dude from “The Who”. ( I can’t think of his name)

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