Look for the Berry Festival Challenge COMING SOON to Webkinz Friends. Complete the Challenge to win a Jam Maker’s Pantry that can be sent back to Webkinz World! The pantry matches the Jam Maker’s Fridge, Sink and Stove that can be won playing Jumbleberry Fields in the Webkinz Arcade. In the meantime, collect all 4 Jars of preserves on Webkinz Newz so you’ll have plenty of jam, jelly, relish and marmalade to stock your pantry with!
Totally awesome!!! I love this theme and this rocks.
to all those who can play and win, good luck and enjoy. I can’t get facebook though. It looks really cool.
Cool, another item to match stove/fridge/sink set. BTW, has anyone else noticed that the Jam Maker’s Fridge ( a pickleberry prize) looks like it has 8 food spaces but you can only put 6 items in it?
Cool…thank you!!! :)
This is great – but why can’t the moonberry marmalade go in the fridges but the other three can?????? UGH!
HOLY MOLEY! THIS IS GREAT!!! I like it better than the Moonberry pantry, even. I think it’s a GREAT addition. Can you tell I’m excited?
DOES ANYONE HAVE DEN DRESS? friend me user is: epicshine and i will send you super beds if you send me the den dress. and i wil send you many other things just send me the den dress
I am on it. I will go on webkinz friends every day
sounds cool. would really like to a jam room (: