Faraway Whistles and Flashing Lights, Oh My!

Fluffington St. Bernard








Hello, Fluffington St. Bernard here. Something wonderfully strange is afoot in Webkinz World as its citizens try to figure out the magical new Deluxe-Only addition to the W Shop! With just a few days to go until its reveal, a few daring Kinzville photographers told me they managed to snap a few blurry pictures. This is some fine detective work, but I’m in on the big secret so I can tell you that there’s much more to this grand reveal than what they captured! Now excuse me, I’m off to finish this book I just can’t put down, it’s to do with a certain boy wizard. Have you heard of it? Riveting stuff, I tell you!

Paparazzi Photo, Scene 1

Paparazzi Photo, Scene 2










78 Responses to Faraway Whistles and Flashing Lights, Oh My!

  1. Brit3300 says:

    I knew it was about harry potter from the beginnig

  2. cathouse2 says:

    I really don’t know what this means. >>cathouse2

  3. webstar says:

    I think its Kings Cross from Harry Potter!

  4. dogsrule04 (A.K.A pinkyhorse04) says:

    I only have two more months until my deluxe membership is gone:(

  5. Jordan says:

    It is a railroad Station. Jordan

  6. jennifer says:

    I do believe it’s a train theme for Deluxe only. I hope their not going to make everything Deluxe. jennifer

  7. Glossy says:

    Oh, that looks so cool! I want to read Harry Potter so bad! ~Glossy~

  8. sstar642000 says:

    @TigerLilly30233:) i agree with you!

  9. TigerLilly30233:) says:

    Sounds like it is a Harry Potter train station :) Too bad it’s deluxe members only :(

  10. webkinz user says:

    i’m SO sad i can’t get deluxe! it’s always a deluxe advantage…..

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