Hello, Fluffington St. Bernard here. Something wonderfully strange is afoot in Webkinz World as its citizens try to figure out the magical new Deluxe-Only addition to the W Shop! With just a few days to go until its reveal, a few daring Kinzville photographers told me they managed to snap a few blurry pictures. This is some fine detective work, but I’m in on the big secret so I can tell you that there’s much more to this grand reveal than what they captured! Now excuse me, I’m off to finish this book I just can’t put down, it’s to do with a certain boy wizard. Have you heard of it? Riveting stuff, I tell you!
omg i am deluxe yay i can’t wait
I’M happy for deluxe :)
my user is ribbetboo if you want to be friends in webkinz
cool meet me in the park right now. I will have a spotted frog
my user is wk365 if you want to be friends!!!!!!!
Cool I wish I were deluxe!
yay i can’t wait webkinz really needs a new deluxe advantage :)
OMG! OMG! I’m not a deluxe but if i was i would so totally get this! Is it a harry potter themed thing?!?! If it is, that’d be epic!
that looks to cool! If my sister was still going on this website, I think she would think it was cool.