It’s Caterpillar Time!



March’s Pet of the Month is none other than the adorable Caterpillar! You’re going to love this cuddly friend, who is known for having a big heart and a positive attitude about, well – everything!

Be sure to check out “It’s a Wonderful World”, the Caterpillar’s sweet Pet of the Month video!

And remember: when you adopt the Caterpillar in March, you’ll get a special loot bag with Pet of the Month prizes you can’t get anywhere else!

97 Responses to It’s Caterpillar Time!

  1. lily says:


  2. kitty125 says:

    I would get it but……………….. i already have 11 webkinz to take care of sooooooooooo i wouldn’t get one because of that! :(

  3. scarletshadowcat says:

    it looks good i guess lol ill get it ;)

  4. cassidy says:

    the caterpillar looks so cute! i wish i have him but my birthday is in 2 months! [sigh] maybe i can buy is myself! horray!


  5. ryan says:

    Dear Caterpillar,
    You look very very fluffy and cute! I want you SOOOOOOOO bad! I have two webkinz the next one if you!

  6. michelle says:


  7. Bieber_Mania says:

    This was posted on Justin Bieber’s birthday! HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY JUSTIN!!!

  8. kami says:

    omg so cute :):):):):)

  9. caterpiller says:

    The caterpiller is so neat i really want one bad bad bad.

  10. Maddy says:

    I don’t really like the vid but ,it is cute.

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