New Pet Adoption Certificate

Attention all Webkinz Fans!

This just in: the original Webkinz Adoption Certificate will be retiring on May 23, 2012 and replaced with this brand new design!

So if you haven’t already done so, be sure to print off all your old Adoption Certificates before May 23rd for safe keeping in your scrap book, photo album or to frame on your wall!  You will want to cherish your vintage Adoption Certificates for years to come!

How to Print your Adoption Certificates: Click to view “My Pets” then click on the Adoption Certificate icon of the pet you want to print!

61 Responses to New Pet Adoption Certificate

  1. chisen says:

    I like both of them, but I will miss the old one. I’m gonna print em all NOW!


    why are they changing them? the old ones were just fine. (IHEARTWEBKINZ)

  3. Mcpgirl says:

    Hmmmm…. Interesting. Congratulations Jimmy 21 on your adoption of scruffles. Lol :) Why is that sooo funny? O.o

  4. diddydo45 says:

    I like the old one way better. it brings back memories. webkinz has changed so much since i started in like 2007ish, maybe even 2006. awhile back everything was so much more realistic and it looked like someone put a lot of work into it. nowadays everything’s all computerized. i love webkinz but i wish they could keep some of the old stuff or have a Vintage Webkinz Day day each year where they bring back everything old. i think a lot of people would appreciate that. i bet even newer people would find it cool just to see what webkinz world used to be like.

  5. Joy says:


  6. geva4isawesome says:

    I like the certifacite.

  7. buddy228 says:

    That looks WAY cooler then the old one!!!! pretty sweet.

  8. meandwebkinz says:

    I was looking on that I like that name for a bubblegumasuras. Cookiekinz it sounds cute! :)

  9. shadow dragon says:

    i don’t really like it!!

  10. TaraStarShine says:

    Yay! Finally they changed it up, I don’t mind the gold certificate but it’s ok. And finally it is not something you have to upgrade on deluxe members only. Yay….. ~* Always Shine From TaraStarShine~*

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