Hey everyone! Val VonScribe here, the official gossip and newz reporter for Webkinz. Have you heard about the new Webkinz Signature Siamese Cat and the Butterscotch Retriever? I took a picture of each at Webkinz HQ today!
I love both of these adorable to Webkinz pets! I also began to wonder, which animal the Webkinz community likes more. Are you more of a dog person, or a cat person? Or, do you love both the same?
Give you vote in the comments!
Cats cats cats
simply a dog person. go go dogs
Siamese cat by 100% :D
i LOOOOVE cats, i have two and they are adorable, but i have one dog and even though we don’t pet him very much or play with him very much or anything, he still licks us when we get home from the store, and loves us to peices. so loyal! but cats fur is SOOOO soft, and i have one that lays around all day and LOVES being petted and he purrs ALL DAY and i have another one that is so playful and cute, but they aren’t as loyal and frendly and trusting as dogs… hmm… i love animals! popy380 ; )
completely dog person go dogs
cats are wayyyyyyyyyyy better then dogs
on the very front page, cats SOMETIMES scratch, and bite but, doesn’t mean you have to say ” dogs protect you “. Cats are not always mean, I have had a cat for 8 years, her name is Grayson. I am saying this in a nice way, Dogs jump, bite even if you DON’T mess with them please stop saying cats always bite. I AGREE with everyone that says cats do NOT bite all the time.
I love them both. I was just saying cats DO NOT ALWAYS BITE. see dogs sometimes jump that’s the only thing I dislike about dogs cats, scratching I l acutally love them both :)
I like the dogs more when it comes to webkinz but I also like the foxes and bears. :3
I am a dog lover GO DOGS!!!!