What Are Those Puffs of Smoke?: An Interview with Nuts & Bolts

Ella McWoof




Hi, Ella McWoof here with a follow-up on those rumors buzzing around Kinzville about an enchanting new arrival of something big to the W Shop. I wanted to get to the bottom of this so I went to a well-known news source: the construction beavers, Nuts and Bolts. Fellas, what do you say about the rumor?


Bolts: Sorry, Ella, we’ve been sworn to secrecy!

Ella: So there IS something big happening! Can you tell us about those puffs of smoke that have been spotted near the W Shop?

Nuts: No! Yes! No! I mean…well, we’re not the greatest at keeping secrets (just look at us spilling the beans about Building Kinzville a few weeks ago!) so we’re going to keep quiet about this!

Ella: Nuts, on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about this upcoming reveal?

Nuts: An eleven!

Bolts: Shh, Nuts! Ella, you’re going to have to wait for a few weeks to find out what all the fuss is about, but trust us, it’s a really exciting new addition to the shop for Deluxe Members!

Nuts: Tell your readers to start dreaming of a magical space they can make their own…

Bolts: And here’s a picture I snapped the other day, that should do for a hint!

Ella: That sounds intriguing! Thanks Nuts and Bolts. I guess we’ll have to wait but in the meantime, good luck!

Ticket Booth











128 Responses to What Are Those Puffs of Smoke?: An Interview with Nuts & Bolts

  1. Volleyballgirl says:

    I think it’s a subway :)

  2. Bo says:

    I think whatever it is it envolves a tain and that would be so cool if we could go to Narnia but I DO NOT like Harry Potter.

  3. Shadow6672 says:

    You know, I bet it’s a train station. I’ve seen ticket booths like that when I ride the train. But I don’t see how that could tie in to the Wshop, or Deluxe Members. I just hope you can send items by Kinz Post…

  4. jo says:

    Okay, what if the thing is that you get to make your own model train track set! You know the little electric trains that go in circles on a track? Ya!

  5. Mary says:

    Its a train station. I just know it is.

  6. Gabrielle says:

    I think it’s going to be a train.

  7. jayden says:

    It is a train. Right?

  8. AvalancheChick says:

    Its an enchanted train.

  9. BlackRose says:

    i have a feeling it has something to do with Harry…

  10. lovebugs131 says:

    They said enchanting a train station isn’t enchanting.

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