Fan Mail with Fiona #29

Are you having a super Saturday? Your pal Fiona is back to answer more questions. As always, for my past answers, click here!




Hi Fiona! When I first signed up for Webkinz World a few years back, I put a different name in the “Name” slot when you sign up. Now that Webkinz X has come out, all my pets are calling me that name. Is it possible to change the name I input years ago? – abbydogpal225


Oh, my! It’s very important that you’re happy with all of your account details when you sign up because you can’t change it afterwards. While Customer Service will sometimes make exceptions for pet and usernames (if they have inappropriate content or reveal identifying information), your name is set. Sorry about that!




Hi Fiona, Now that some of us have reached 1,000,000 family points, can you tell us what happens next? I’m still collecting points, but will they count for anything? I was very disappointed in the wee tiny trophy for the accomplishment. I thought it might sparkle or play a tune or something. I’m happy to have won it though. – Eilish


First of all, congratulations on your achievement! That’s a LOT of hard work you’ve put into taking care of your pets and I’m sure they really appreciate it. That said, when more people start hitting the higher milestones, we’ll be rolling out more levels and prizes… so definitely keep earning those Family Score points!




Dear Fiona, I’m so excited for Christmas even there is some time until it. If it’s not to soon, I would like to know if there will be another Christmas Theme Vote because I love new themes and a Christmas new one would be Awesome!!! – WebkinzLover2015


Oh yes, the Halloween Theme vote was great fun, wasn’t it? I think we’ll definitely see more of those in the future, but for this Christmas, we’ll be seeing a return of an existing theme… and some new items to go in it! Can’t say more– my beak is sealed!





Want to write to Webkinz?
Send your letters to:
Ganz #04360 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY



Have more questions? Ask them below and you might be featured in the next edition of Fan Mail with Fiona!

55 Responses to Fan Mail with Fiona #29

  1. 90skidzrule says:

    Hi Fiona, my pet just graduated from the Kinzville Academy a couple weeks ago, but I’m still getting the lowest score possible from the judges when I watch the competition. Is there a way to improve that or do I just have to keep competing to try and get a higher score?

  2. angelofmaine says:

    I wasn’t able to change one of our accounts, even though it was my real name first and last.

    • xmy9tailxkinz says:

      BBD Was just compaining about how they say our real names I wish they would call us By our user. like- “Hey, my9tail I am hungry.” But, Instead they say ” ***** Go fetch me some candy please.”

  3. doingmydailies says:

    Great questions!!! I was very young when I created my account with some help from my sister. I insisted that I could put my name in and I used the same letters just in the wrong order. Now my pets call me that. It’s ok though because it’s kind of funny when my pets call me that. I was wondering the same thing about Family Score but I’m only at like 7500 points so I don’t have to worry about that yet. By the time I reach a million, there’ll probably prizes till a billion! And I was just wondering about a new Christmas theme yesterday!!!! I love voting for a new theme and I’m so excited that we’ll have the chance to do it again this winter. Thanks everyone for asking such good questions and thanks Fiona for answering them!!! :)

  4. luv2tzus says:

    Dear Fiona, I’m crazy for seeds! Will there be any upcoming events that will award exclusive seeds as a prize as there had been in the past? Also, are there any plans to bring out a new pet with seeds for a PSI? All the wonderful pets that had seeds for a PSI have now been retired :( I really hope to see some new ones.

  5. webkinzpupcat says:

    Oooh!! I am excited for Christmas!!

  6. Faithglitterkinz says:

    Just a quick question. I know I have said this before in another comment section but I don’t know where the page I commented under. You don’t have to reply, but why did you stop the signatures?

  7. originalt says:

    Hi Fiona, I am wondering if PJ will ever tell you when a rare article of clothing will be coming up, as Arte does when you ask him about rare items (or rather, he gives the time to those who patronize him enough).Cheers :)

  8. kittymade10 says:

    2002ganz can you friend me, I’m kittymade10

  9. EmilyCuteHeart says:

    I wonder what theme will return.


    Oh, I’m so excited for the Christmas Theme! I would love to vote on a new one, but I’m very glad to get new pieces for my existing ones! Thanks, GANZ!

    • 2002ganz says:

      Christmas is by far my favorite time of the year so BRING IT ON!!!! :)

      • 2002ganz says:

        And congrats on reaching 1,000,000 Family Score points!!! I mean, that is an accomplishment worth recognizing…

        • kittymade10 says:

          I love Christmas to but I did not make it even chose to 1,000,000! I have not been on it lately.

        • Pokekinz says:

          Yeah, I actually wouldn’t mind my pets calling me by a name other than my own. :P Honestly, I’d rather they didn’t call me anything. Well, it might’ve been funny if I had entered “Master” as my name…. “You take such good care of me, Master!”

      • WebkinzLover2015 says:

        I know!!!! I love a lot CHRISTMAS!!! I’m so happy because there will be new items and I’m looking forward to it!!! Can’t wait for more informations!!! I’m so so so Excited!!! :)) :D

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Yeah! I can’t believe some people have already reached one million family score points!! O•O soo many! I’m only at 17,000. I can’t wait for the Morgan fairy, the ice palace bed, and many other upcoming prizes! Congrats on reaching one million points! I cant wait to see the new Christmas items, though, too. I just swnt in my Christmas room too Michael.. I hope he likes it!

      • 2002ganz says:

        Wow emie! I’m only at 5,000, still workin on it… I only have 12 pets tho so I need to work on that too!!! And if I was gonna buy a Webkinz, which one should I buy??? I don’t know… Suggestions appreciated! XD

        • bepoodlepal says:

          Im currently in the 32,000 vicinity

        • WebkinzLover2015 says:

          Hey 2002ganz, if you want to buy a pet I would suggest a Festive or a Wintery one like Jolly Jubilee Reindeer, Gingerbread Pup or Siberian Husky because it’s not too soon to prepare for Winter and why not Christmas!!! But first it’s Thanksgiving Day so I don’t see a more perfect pet than The Harvest Owl. And there are lots of other suggestions, but hope this helps. :)) :D

        • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

          2002ganz, if I were you I would buy the Signature yellow lab! That is one of the next signatures o want to get. Also, have like 60 pets, so that would help in my reaching 17,000.

        • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

          2002ganz, if I were you I would buy the Signature yellow lab! That is one of the next signatures I want to get. Also, have like 60 pets, so that would help in my reaching 17,000.

          • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

            Ahh! Duplicate comment alert!!

          • lavadragon says:

            Hello 2002ganz! My suggestions, If you looking for a Signature pet, (well, who wouldn’t be XD) I highly recommend, a Signature Red Panda. It’s super soft and plus, has a silky tail, it’s reeeeally cool looking too. A Signature Brown Bear is also a grrrreat choice, (See what I did there? Ha.) It’s super cool looking first of all, and is super soft like the red panda. A Signature Beaver is also pretty cool, Once again, soft, all these are soft why do I keep repeating myself :P Annd, it’s unique, with it’s cool tail and that. I haven’t seen too many people with the Beaver, BUT- That’s myself. A Signature Normande Cow is also a good choice. It’s not as much as the Signature Cow, which is fantastic, and it stand upright, so yeah. If you really wanted a Signature on the rarer side, I highly recommend the Signature Calico Cat. It’s probably one of the best Signature cats, if not the best. It’s gorgeous, which means great for photos, and pretty rare, cat-tastic right? It is pretty costly though. It took me a while to save up for one ;-; Ok, regular ‘kinz time! The newer plushies are pretty cool, like the panther or the Red Velvet Fox (I can;t recall the exact name, I think I’m right on that though.) Great price and they look pretty soft! The White Tiger is a grrreat one too! (Not the Signature.) It has a decent price for no more than $15! Well, happy searching 2002ganz!

        • 1Emerald1 says:

          The new Siberian Husky is really cute. Have you entered the Name Me contest for the Husky yet? You might win one!

      • roachiesmom1 says:

        I just got the ice bed on my main account, it is gorgeous. I gave it to my Ice Dragon.

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