Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! | ![]() |
Each weekend on Webkinz Newz we host contests for Webkinz World™ users. There are many different contests that we’ve had on Webkinz Newz, including video contests, drawing contests, story contests, and many others. So to keep all of our loyal fans enjoying our many contests, we want to hear from you!
This week’s question is…
What is your favorite type of Webkinz Newz contest?
Do you like writing stories? Or drawing pictures? Maybe you like creating top 10 lists? Whatever your favorite contest is, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
I wish you could get e-store pets in stores.
That would be awsome! I hope in a couple months you can just buy e-store pets in
My favorite contest are Top 10, T-Shirt Designing,Drawing, and room designing.
I like the peek a boo (I’ll find you), top 10, and maybe the writing contests. I don’t participate in the create a room or drawing contests cause I can’t figure out how to upload and enter them. It is nice to have special prizes or estore items since not everyone is allowed to buy the neat estore items. Thanks Ganz!
Top 10 contests are nice & simple for anyone to enter. I like the drawing contests, too. My absolute favorite, though, was the t-shirt designing contest. Another one of those would be awesome!
If you made a contest for an estore pet where you told why you like webkinz!!!!!!! That would be coolio!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really like the top ten contest
u should make one to get an estore pet! the contest should be writting why u like webkinz!! :)
i love love love love the writing ones and fashon ones and desighn ones love love love love webkinz
i think you should have a contest that would have you desighn a webkinz ganz pet,if you win that pet becomes real you get a free one too
i love the writeing contests please have one soon!