Issues with PEEK-A-NEWZ Prizes

We are aware that some people have found Wacky 5 times and still haven't gotten their prize. If this has happened to you please follow these steps: 1. Clear your cache. 2. Disable your pop-up blocker. There are important PEEK-A-NEWZ pop-ups with activity information. It is likely that you have missed the pop-up that will award your prize. 3. Refresh your browser to Webkinz Newz and re-login to PEEK-A-NEWZ. If you have found Wacky 5 times, the prize awarding pop-up screen should display itself. Otherwise, the pop-up screen telling you to search some more will be displayed. Let us know if this has worked for you!

186 Responses to Issues with PEEK-A-NEWZ Prizes

  1. ? says:

    what is this peek-a-newz thing? how does it work? do i have to be logged on to to be able to do it?

    please respond,
    bunny(you have to figure out the rest B)

  2. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    I love peek a newz I went to the chef gazpacho one i love my sandwich maker

  3. webkinzfan says:

    I have never tried peek-a-newz. I hope your sister gets her prize hannah.

  4. micdonut445 says:

    i have never ever heard of wacky zingoz thing and i have been playing since 2008 and i believe its almost 2011

  5. gingerhorsez2 has something to say says:

    Bring back PEEK-A-NEWZ! It’s been months since they started it!

  6. hannah says:

    i know my sister never got her prize

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