Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! |
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There are a lot of great things to do in Webkinz World™ every day. You can go to the arcade, the tournament arena, the Wshop, the Curio Shop, Quizzy’s Corner, and much much more. There’s even a travel agency in Webkinz World, so that your pet’s can go on vacation. Even though there are so many great things to do and places to go in Webkinz World, we understand if you, our faithful users, might have some ideas for new locations and activities.
This week’s question is…
What special places would you add to Webkinz World?
Maybe you would like to see a high school or university, that pets can attend after Kinzville Academy? Or maybe it’s a Kinzville Bank, where your pets can learn about investing? Whatever ideas are, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
Great idea for water park! was thinking about seasonal stuff, was thinking an ice skating rink would be a good idea. let me know…
I wish they had more rooms in the clubhouse, and no deluxe membership so it would actually be FAIR again. :( And that cool items could be in the W shop. Like deluxe and estore items.
I think we could have a pet of the year award! Also we should improve the pet of the month system. ANYBODY who has the pet of the month no matter what month they were adopted in should get prizes.
i would add a dance academy to webkiz world
A Place to sell unwanted rooms would be nice. Cause I have alot!!! :)
I REALLY love the, Webkinz Antique Shop in KinzVille idea!!!! Like have SUPER exclusive items there like rare items that have been reteired 4 YEARS like that Mad Scientists theme…….or the Hockey Theme……. or like the Ice Cream Tree or ANY of the reteired exclusives………..but the prices should be around 5000 KC because NOBODY can afford 50000 or 1000000 i mean really! & GANZ you should seriously consider lowering the Curio Shop prices I mean they WAY WAY WAY 2 high NOBODY can afford them w/ their INSANELY HIGH prices! GANZ please consider this idea!!!! :) I also think you should get rid of the eStore because I mean only SUPER MEGA filthy rich parents would consider buying that stuff 4 their kids!!!!! D:<
Anyway………. PLEASE GANZ…………………. consider these ideas!!!!!!!!!!!! :D