Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! | ![]() |
Every Friday on Webkinz Newz, we pose a question in our weekly Feedback Friday. You, our fine users, have helped create new item ideas, pin pointed the best games on Webkinz World™, discussed sports and summer activities, and much much more. Now it’s your turn to choose the topic. This week we’re opening up Feedback Friday to your suggestions on … Feedback Friday! What would you like to comment on? What would you like Feedback Friday’s focus to be? Now is your chance to make some suggestions.
This week’s question is…
What would you like to talk about?
Would you like more questions about Webkinz World? Or do you like commenting on things in your own lives? Whatever it is, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
All pets agree on something similar. The one thing that everyone wants, but few people hav money to buy. Many pets agree that Deluxe Memberships are too expensive. All those awesome upgrades should be alot cheeper! The price is outragous!!! Together we can make this problem go away. If you would help my Cocker spaniel with this “little” problem. You can help Webkinz by doing one simple task: make the annual Deluxe memberships cheeper. By doing this more pets will be happier. And Webkinz owners, you can help by getting lots of comments in, if we get enough it might happen!
I think you should have a Talent Show in the Stadiem.
I have more vacation suggestions Ihope you like them
-Space station- shoul cost 200 kinzcash fo the ticket
-camping trip- should cost 400 kinzcash
-summer camp- costs 100 kinzcash
I also have ideas for places
-a hotel. Pets can stay in different themed rooms for a small kinzcash fee.
-a train station
-amusement park called paw park
-public pool
-Skate park. Pets can rent skateboards for 25 kinzcash and skate around. Can be used in the clubhouse and park too.
-Town garden
-bakery. Pets can create their own recipies
I have ideas for regular improvements for webkinz news, webkinz world, and ganz estore.
-The prices of the ganz estore items and pets should be cheeper
-estore pets plush
-a survey thingy in webkinz news
-movie contests,
- pet desighn contests. You can create your own pet. If ganz likes your pets they will be made and get a virteral one in your room and sent a stuffed animal.
-recipie contest
-Deluxe Member games can be played with special coupons
-100 kinzcash each time you log in
-tv themed themes: spongbob, super why!, total drama world tour, word world, exc…
-more kinzclips: spotted frog, dazzle daushund, daushund, cocker spaniel, golen retrever
-signature kinzclips
-a game called pet slimer. How To Pley: Go into a special clubhouse room, a slime ball will appear and count down from 60. throw it at other pets. The pet that has the balloon when the clock reaches 0 gets slimed. clubhouse room called slime ball room. Its a cheerleader themed clubhouse room with sofas all around the outside with alime ball launcher in the middle. game starts when at least 2 pets enter the room. launches to random pet in room.
-the ability to throw water balloons at other webkinz. pets look wet when the balloons hit them. Availibale to everyone.
I hope everyone likes my ideas. Please comment if you like any of them! These were my pets’ ideas and my cocker spaniel woul be happy if you got the slimeball game! To help her please make the pet slimer game happen! again thanks! everyone!
One more thing I just thought of: I find it very disappointing that the special item that comes with the pet sometimes can’t be used in the room we designed to put the pet in. For example, the balloons can’t be in treetop or outdoor yards. I adopted a dog for an indoor room only to find that a bathtub is the special item and it’s for an outdoor room. No matter what room you choose to put your new pet in, their welcome balloon and special pet gift should be able to be in their room with them. Thanks.
I wish that when you trade in a jar of berries, Webkinz would not send a duplicate prize, unless you’ve filled so many jars and received every prize possible, as there are so many there to choose from. I also wish the community prizes would be items from the Curio Shop or e-store items and not the regular items we can easily buy.
Why are the only pet of the months who just logged on their pet get the package full of special stuff???
I think we need more vacation places
I think there should be a ski lodge in winter and a beach in the summer and like 4 the ski lodge you could buy skies and snow boards and like ski suits. and for the beach webkinz pets could go surfing and could buy all the beach gear and stuff like that.
i am webkinz number 1 fan!!! we should talk about more vacations in webkinz. there is only two vacations. i have been to both a million times.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, I don’t think Ganz thought WW would be as popular as it is. WW world needs bigger, more powerful servers so it doesn’t lock up, freeze up, or fail to display pet adoption items.
And we need more wild cats. A snow leopard would be great!
Beverly,s Sept. 5 comment is so right on. We need bigger wardrobes/dressers that can store more items. When I started playing I bought storage, but I sold it back because nothing was big enough, and my pets share their clothes, so now I have to keep clothes in the Dock and try to find them, not easy since we can’t arrange our Docks the way we want them (yet).
Also, why can’t a girl fish wear a skirt? Or a Scots boy fish wear a kilt?