Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! | ![]() |
Every Friday on Webkinz Newz, we pose a question in our weekly Feedback Friday. You, our fine users, have helped create new item ideas, pin pointed the best games on Webkinz World™, discussed sports and summer activities, and much much more. Now it’s your turn to choose the topic. This week we’re opening up Feedback Friday to your suggestions on … Feedback Friday! What would you like to comment on? What would you like Feedback Friday’s focus to be? Now is your chance to make some suggestions.
This week’s question is…
What would you like to talk about?
Would you like more questions about Webkinz World? Or do you like commenting on things in your own lives? Whatever it is, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
I think questions should be about both. Switch each Friday. I would like different things to choose from rather than the same boring subject.
ppl say yes to come to your party but never come y ppl y do ya do that :C oops is never spelled right yes it is maybe anyway A mall please clothes :/ will ya try and see if it works out :/
Can we have a mall please can that be done please everybody really wants one on webkinz PLEASE consider this PLEASE
I love!!!the party packs I really want the purple dancing shoes but you can’t pick them thats one down side but then every body could have them and that would not be as fun I want a webkinz mall every body wants is so y not get one???????
Webkinz i want to ask a question. Could u make a movie theater in webkinz world? i mean like if u made a mall would u like have a movie theater in the mall and maybe a food court. My webkinz husky luvs food:) Well if so thx webkinz world and dio not forget the idea of making a mall OK. well any way bye webkinz world. :)
Lets have a big shout out to Webkinz World. WOOHOO!!!!! i luv the new party packs u added to the webkinzstore. On sunday i am having a party but only one friend said they’ll come :( Well it still will be fun thought. G2G bye Webkinz!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv ur new webkinz song Tiger,Tiger. I want to download it on my ipod right now but i do not have that bengal tiger. Nine Lives is pretty sad because it talks about the life of him and his love. Well i LUV all the webkinz songs and i know there is still more to come. Keep Singing
Can we have a halloween party pack? that would be so much fun!!
Halloween! I love it! are we getting a game this year???please?? I already have a costume picked out – my witch dress
I love Webkinz its sooooo fun it would be soooooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeet to have a mall in webkinz more clothes and if you could walk to example Kinzstyle out let club house not just click and your there go out your door and go to a shop or the club house kinzville park and to the kinzville academy walk were you want to go or ride your car or like make a bike that would be sooooooo cool love the new food keep makeing stuff consider this please I you could make more money if you have better stuff NOT saying your stuff is bad but you have had the same suff for yrs. please try to understand how more fun it would be. bye