Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! | ![]() |
Every Friday on Webkinz Newz, we pose a question in our weekly Feedback Friday. You, our fine users, have helped create new item ideas, pin pointed the best games on Webkinz World™, discussed sports and summer activities, and much much more. Now it’s your turn to choose the topic. This week we’re opening up Feedback Friday to your suggestions on … Feedback Friday! What would you like to comment on? What would you like Feedback Friday’s focus to be? Now is your chance to make some suggestions.
This week’s question is…
What would you like to talk about?
Would you like more questions about Webkinz World? Or do you like commenting on things in your own lives? Whatever it is, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
Here are some suggestions I would put on Webkinz World:
*A public swimming pool
* A skate park
Only 25 kinzcash to rent one
* A mall
(The W shop)You click on where you want to go
* A movie theater
You can choose from The secret chef, Monkey and Monkey or Random
* Airport
( Travel agency) Choose what plane. (Island Resort)
* A beach
(The clubhouse)A room in the clubhouse
I like to talk about all the new stuf that is hapening in webkinz world and how I like them so much!!!
i think that there should be a party pack just for the birds of webkinz and can only be open in the room you get when you get a bird
I love Mustache Louie! I memorized it. I think they definetly need more songs like nine lives.
i love you webkinz world pleace take my liger idea and use it love yaww see you soon.
ligers rock and so does webkinz world that means to make webkinz world rock even more than follow shelbys idea me shelby pleace use my idea on webkinz world it would mean the world to me and even make me feal better about the problems that im drawnding in but dont worry i keep praying.
i talked to 10 of my friends about my liger idea 8 of of have webkinz and think that would be so cool if webkinz world did make a liger and if thay didi than thay wanted to be some of the first to have one the other tow said that would be the bomb and that if webkinz world made a liger than that would be the first webkinz that thay ever had and so know thay want ther first webkinz to be a liger
me agin just had to ask do you even know what a liger is well its a cross bread of a lion and a tiger and this is the story to that you see some people who owned tigers and lians well thay put the tiger in the cage with a lion and got a liger its a true story some of you may have heard it on the news well i hope webkinz world makes a liger some time soon see you soon
hi just had some more ideas for the webkinz liger that i came up with it could have like a cave bed and like some kind of food that has meat in it or on it or just meat i dont know alls i know is that webkinz world NEEDS a LIGER plus did you know that ligers are real