Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! | ![]() |
Every Friday on Webkinz Newz, we pose a question in our weekly Feedback Friday. You, our fine users, have helped create new item ideas, pin pointed the best games on Webkinz World™, discussed sports and summer activities, and much much more. Now it’s your turn to choose the topic. This week we’re opening up Feedback Friday to your suggestions on … Feedback Friday! What would you like to comment on? What would you like Feedback Friday’s focus to be? Now is your chance to make some suggestions.
This week’s question is…
What would you like to talk about?
Would you like more questions about Webkinz World? Or do you like commenting on things in your own lives? Whatever it is, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
Well, we don’t always agree, Harry Potter jr and I, but I have to admit that I agree with you this time. I think that you need to update the KinzSyle Outlet MASSEVLY and put more clothes in there like basketball shoes and skinny jeans and fitted tee shirts and cool stuff like that (Because my pet and other people’s pets want those clothes, too)!
Peace, love, happiness,
Yah, webkinz should have converse, lots of people like them. Plus, add more graphic tees, like with pictures of different characters from webkinz!! :D Also, please add more shoes, and clothing recipes!!! Maybe some suits and stuff.
STOP MAKEING estor stuf! I like to cudle with the stufed animules! And please make a rocking chare because i have a fire place but nothing to sit on.
OMW! it’s so not the best year ever! everything that is SUPER COOL is for the E STORE!! I HATE THE E STORE!!!!!!!! sorry, E store just really gets on my nerves! alot! cuz, I’m NOT going to pay REAL money for things online! and I just wish you didn’t make the E store!!
Whoah, Pixipig2! That’s a lot of comments you have here! I suggest that you please don’t post a lot of comments because other people might want to make a comment, too. That way you’re not hogging the whole comment list so other people can comment, too.
Peace, love, happiness,
Happy new year every one!!!!!!!! But isn’t it a little sad that there will never be a 2010 ever again! any way I think since its a new year and all, you all should do(and make) lots of really cool things!(here are some of my suggestions! I hope you make every one of them!!)
1. you should make the abominable snow monster in poler Berry jam a stuffed animal for the w shop!
2. you should make twice as much animals(only for this month then you can go back to normal)I have some suggestions for animals!
3. you should make some new room themes!I have some suggestions also!(I will tell you after the list!)
4. You should totally make more shows on TV!(and make them fun and exciting!)
OK that’s all I can think of, you can always add more! OK, now that I’m done with the list I will tell you my ideas for animals and room themes! OK, I’m going to start with ROOM THEMES! first I think you should make a girbles cage theme! the wall paper would be the in side of a girble cage! and the flooring would be wood chips! and for a bed it would be a hammock!(you can think of other stuff for it)the other theme is a Barn them!!!!! (I really hope you make this theme!!!) OK so the wall paper would be the in side of an old barn! the flooring would be wooden with some hay here and there! and for the bed it would be a pile of hay! and the toy chest would be an old toll chest!(you can add more). OK now my animal suggestions are, a shet land pony (please make black or a rusty color or both!) OK I don’t have any more time to tell you the rest so I’ll tell you the rest later! OK!
why is Feedback Friday called that if you can do comments every day?
I think you should make more moves because I’m giting rilly tired of the same shows on tv.
Happy new year! I had a great one.