Welcome to Feedback Friday, where we ask a question and look to our wonderful Webkinz members for answers that we will use to make Webkinz World better. This is your chance to influence the way that Webkinz World evolves! | ![]() |
Every Friday on Webkinz Newz, we pose a question in our weekly Feedback Friday. You, our fine users, have helped create new item ideas, pin pointed the best games on Webkinz World™, discussed sports and summer activities, and much much more. Now it’s your turn to choose the topic. This week we’re opening up Feedback Friday to your suggestions on … Feedback Friday! What would you like to comment on? What would you like Feedback Friday’s focus to be? Now is your chance to make some suggestions.
This week’s question is…
What would you like to talk about?
Would you like more questions about Webkinz World? Or do you like commenting on things in your own lives? Whatever it is, we’d like to hear from you! Give us some feedback by commenting now!
I am a Deluxe Member at your eStore. I called and reported the Color Your Dock Wheel at the bottom of my dock is NOT WORKING. At first I didn’t use this wheel – now that I got used to seeing my dock and decorating it in various colors, I love it. I sure hope you can speed up fixing this glitch. I know it’s not a major problem but it is a delightful feature for deluxe members. Thank you.
There should be more things 2 grow food in our gardens!
I just wanna talk. I LUV doberman pinschers and chihuahuas! Anyone else?
A couple of things, 1. that cool show The Office!! 2. Dogs are better than Cats!!(Just saying) 3. Zwers!! 4. Pomeranians and other Dog breeds!! 5. Animal abuse!! 6. another cool show Vimpire Diaries!! 7. My three arfsome Dogs Charlie(Black Pomeranian) Brandy(Orange Pomeranian) and beleive it or not Bluedog(Old Black and White spotted Cougarhound off of Poor ol` Blue)!! 8. great Manxcat stories!! 9.great Pomeranian stories!! 10. Gone walkin` the Canines!! 11. Vet appointments and emergancies( I`m serius, Charlie has gone to the Vet more than anyother Dog my Mom has owned, and in to alot of trouble!)!! 12. my new Webkinz King Charels Spaniel LIL NOODLE!!
i went to a birthday party and i was alone in the room and when i was going to do the third game webkinz unexpectilly logged me out i didn’t get to go back to the party and i didn’t get a goodie bag
This was my Dad and Iis conversation just now; Dad: “Some one`s on your bed Mandy..“(Me thinking of my two cats who always sneek in and go on my bed; Blacky and Stanly) Me: “Who, Blacky! “ Dad: “No.“ Me: “Stanly!“ Dad: “No.“(Me looking up to see if my black Pomeranian Charle`s on the stairs) Me: “Charlie!“ Dad: “No.“ (Now Me looking down at my feet to see if my other Pomeranian Brandy is still there) Me: “Brandy!“ Dad: “Yes!“ …. Wooof!!! Wooof!!! =.3 =.D =.)
I have two real live Pomeranians, Charlie, he`s black, Brandy, she`s a rescue Pomeranian ¸from Kuwait,
Oops!! On my Poor Ol` Blue story the words arthrutic and arthiitis was supposed to be arthritic and and arthritis. Poor Ol` Blue is a verry sad looking Hound, spotted like a cow, his eyes always look sad and tusting, but I`m happy to say that Poor Ol` Blue (also known as Bluedog) is fat and healthy!!
Poor Blue, he must stay outside where he is tiedup on a long run, and a dog house in the Chicken house is where he sleeps, Poor ol` Blue has had this lonely life for ten years only Chickens, three nice ladies (one is a child), two Rabbits and a small black Pomeranian to keep him in company the rest of the family ignores him. All this old Hound wants is to be free and run in the forest, chasing the wild things, and to be with the family at all times. But no, Blue is tied up on a long run that connects to an old scraggly tree, and the Chicken house. But there`s one thing this old arthrutic and loney hound looks forward to, dinner time, scraps and goodness is mixed with his plain dry food. Pastas and meats and other left overs spark his days! Poor Ol` Blue is now suffering with arthiitis and old age, the average age of a Hound dog is twelve to thirteen. Think of Poor Ol` Blue when you greet you pamperd pooch.
I like the story but the ending is sad maybe you could make a second story of poor Ol Blue.