Parents: Party at 7pm (est) TODAY!

Hey Parents and Webkinz fans with Twitter accounts!
The party starts today at 7pm (est) on Twitter, and we’ve got lots of great Webkinz prizes!

17 Responses to Parents: Party at 7pm (est) TODAY!

  1. puglover says:

    love the song choice

  2. jojohotdog45 says:

    1. Marshmallow Bunny 2. Fantail Goldfish 3. Pink Poodle 4. Spotted Leopard 5. Lil’ Kinz Bulldog 6. Elephant 7. Lil’ Kinz Pug 8. Chihuahua Add me!!

  3. cowboy2288 says:

    wow that account has alot i want it so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. fluffybun8152005 says:

    your nice.

  5. okielil says:

    Will you do that with facebook? Cuz I am not allowed to get a twitter!

  6. Nightflower says:

    :C This isnt fair. My mom doesn’t have twitter. Ganz! You need to make something for us without twitter!!!
    ~ Nighty Nightflower

  7. schnauzers rock says:

    I have a mohawk puppy. By the way SCHNAUZERS ROCK.

  8. lovepuppygirl says:

    I don`t have twitter.Oh well.

  9. ~Majestic~ says:

    SWEET! that’s really cool how they do things like that! ~Majestic~

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