Webkinz Rockerz: Pick YOUR Favorite!

Hey everyone, it’s Val VonScribe here! I’d love to hear which Webkinz Rockerz are your faves?

Post your top Webkinz Rockerz faves in the comments below! Country Horse (1), Reggae Dog (2), Groovy Poodle (3), or Hip Hoppin’ Bunny (4).


Webkinz Rockerz

574 Responses to Webkinz Rockerz: Pick YOUR Favorite!

  1. melnoch says:

    It would be much easier to pick a favorite if there was anywhere left to actually buy Webkinz Rockerz, other than just online. Be that as it may, I’ll hazard a guess and say of those four, I like the dog. ~Melnoch

  2. servantofchrist says:

    The horse and poodle!!

  3. Hhayes says:

    I like the Reggae dog and the Country horse

  4. wophy says:

    Why did they leave out the Punky Monkey?!?! I love him the most! I named mine Rev.

  5. moonphase417 says:

    GROOVY POODLE GROOVY POODLE!!! (also the horse and for my dad the Reggae Dog )

  6. price1245 says:

    i like number 1 and 4

  7. BinkyBelle says:

    Country Horse is TOTALLY the best!

  8. CUPcaker123456 says:

    definitely the Country Horse!

  9. chocolateponies19 says:

    I like number 2

  10. tannerlover7890 says:

    Poodle! Defiantly.

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