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Howdy Horse Contest

Starts: 2018:03:01 00:00:00

Ends : 2018:04:01 06:00:00

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Has spring sprung where you live? Tell us your top 10 signs of spring to be entered into a draw to win one of five virtual Howdy Horse adoption codes (the Prize).

Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.

Please use the contest entry form – do not leave the answers in the comments.

Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on March 31st, 2018.


57 Responses to Howdy Horse Contest

  1. pretzelz08 says:

    i hope you guys win!i want to win to i never won a contest in webkinz! that horse is cute good luck everyone!

  2. pretzelz08 says:

    Good luck to u all!! i hope u guys win! and i was wondering isnt this a like a summer horse? it reminds me of one. I have a dolphin that sparkle one. that reminds me of summer. but this horse does not remind me of one at all?! i mean the horse is cute but it does not remind me of spring and i still want it and all but i was thinking….. what do u think a summer horse ur a spring horse. let me know! thanks hope u all win!!!!!!

  3. kittymade10 says:

    Sally, so the contest is random, and complete sentences don’t matter? I mean, does it matter if we use complete sentences? Sorry if this was confusing.

  4. TriciaTheMewniQueen says:

    I wish everyone good luck on the contest! I hope the winners will be very happy that they won a brand new pet!

  5. toriosis says:

    Will the winners be posted on this website?

  6. frogmom says:

    not that you shouldn’t do your best first, but there is usually a calculator option available on your desktop ;)

  7. dixie1of2 says:

    I have right answer and it wont submit.tried twice

  8. Peanutnutella7 says:

    i love this contest i am from texas and i love the word howdy so if webkinz could make a plush howdy horse I’m pretty sure it will be a big hit. hope i win!!!!

  9. perfect29_backup says:

    Next contest could you make the question a little bit easier? like 2 times 2 or 1 plus 1? I’m saying this because I am good in math, I’m in middle school, and I got it wrong because where I go to school you learn the order of operations and you’re told to do all multi-step equations using the order of operations. However, the equations use the version of order of operations I just learned at the beginning of the year. Maybe next contest you could put instructions saying that its different then PEMDAS, which says you have to do addition first. The version I learned this year says that if division comes before multiplication, you do division first, and vice versa. it’s the same with addition and subtraction. I hope this helped people.

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      PEDMAS does not say that you have to use addition first. And there are no instructions on how to solve the math question because it is a skill-testing question, a legal requirement.

      • perfect29 says:

        Ok. I think I might’ve remembered it wrong.

        • LittleRaini says:

          With PEMDAS, multiplication does come before division as well as parentheses with exponents but many people forget that this rule does not apply with addition and subtraction. PEMDAS states that you are suppose to add or subtract in the order of WHICHEVER comes first. Addition DOES NOT have to be first. Hope this helps!

      • moonkey1115 says:

        PEMDAS: First, P, solve the things in parentheses(). Second, E, solve any exponents (there are not exponents in the skill questions). Third, MD or DM, solve any multiplication and divisions. If the multiplication and division happen next to each other, go in order from left to right, just like reading. And finally, AS or SA, addition and subtraction. Again, if adding and subtracting are next to each other, start with the two numbers on the left. (I find the PEMDAS abbreviation confusing too. It should really be something like P.E.MD.AS. to show that M doesn’t always come before D, and A doesn’t always come before S)

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