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Scribbles Pup Contest

Starts: 2018:05:01 00:00:00

Ends : 2018:06:01 06:00:00

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

The Scribbles Pup loves to draw! Tell us your top 10 favorite things to draw to be entered into a draw to win one of five virtual Scribbles Pup adoption codes (the Prize).

Limit of one entry per Webkinz Newz account.

Please use the contest entry form – do not leave the answers in the comments.

Note: Contest closes at 11:59 PM EST on May 31st, 2018.

scribbles pup contest

37 Responses to Scribbles Pup Contest

  1. mickey4556 says:

    My favorite thing to draw is fursonas/furries. I love designing each and everytone different from the last. It’d be awesome for if I won this contest. Good luck to all.

  2. horsecrazy789 says:

    I don’t care to draw but I do like drawing some things, so this is probably the hardest contest ever for me to enter.

  3. hope8970 says:

    I love drawing, mostly anime and animals! Adorable dog!

  4. Soccerpony3 says:

    I hope I win the Scribbles Pup, I’ll be so happy and excited to own a non free webkinz. If I do get him I will name him Sketch.

  5. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    I love this pup! I entered it, and I hope I win! If I got it, I’d probably name it Mikayla Angelo…

  6. whiteterrier23 says:

    I love drawing realism some of my favorite things to draw are: 1. Side profiles 2.animals (Even though I find them hard to sketch) 3. Food! 4. Scenery is a favorite of my for sure but it takes LOTS of time! 5. I also try to recreate the drawings on the Webkinz trading cards! They’re so cute so I love drawing those! 6. Cartoon Characters are fun, although sometimes also hard to draw! 7. All in all I just enjoy drawing things that I like! Good luck everyone!

  7. Demongirl10 says:

    My favorite thing to do is draw, so this was the easiest webkinz contest I’ve ever entered lol. Good luck everyone!

  8. alison12310 says:

    I like to draw people animals characters scenery and wildlife!

  9. sillyshell123 says:

    i love drawing doodling anything that has a design

  10. betsey2u says:

    i love drawing, more like doodling! good luck everyone! cute cute pup!

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