‘Kinz learn about Clouds











By Alex Tiger

According to Goober, there are lots of different kinds of clouds. The most common types of clouds are Cirrus, Alto, Stratus and Cumulus clouds.

Cirrus clouds are made up of ice crystals and appear high in the sky. They usually appear like thin wispy lines of white in the sky. The two types of Cirrus cloud are Cirrostratus, which cover the whole sky like a thin sheet and Cirrocumulus clouds that are like small round puffs. Cirrus clouds usually mean nice weather, but they can also signal rain or snow.

Alto clouds are a bit lower than Cirrus clouds and often form ahead of rain storms. Altostratus clouds are grey clouds made of water droplets and ice crystals which cover the whole sky. Altocumulus appear as grey, puffy clouds in groups.

Stratus clouds are low, grey clouds that can resemble fog high above the ground. Stratocumulus clouds are low, puffy, grey clouds. They aren’t usually accompanied by rain but they can turn into Nimbostratus clouds, which are a low, grey layer of clouds that produce continuous rain or snowfall.

Cumulus clouds are white puffy clouds that are flat on the bottom and have high rounded towers on top. They usually accompany nice weather but sometimes grow into giant Cumulonimbus clouds, which are thunderstorm clouds. High winds give Cumulonimbus clouds a flat top.


16 Responses to ‘Kinz learn about Clouds

  1. Harrypotterrocks says:

    I’m not quite sure what clouds have to do with webkinz but—I love them!!!!!!!

    P.S.–school starts in 8 days!!!!! :(

  2. MDIChickadee says:

    I love clouds! Especially those that look like something.

  3. imeeyore says:

    Thanks 4 the info. I LOVE CLOUDS!!!!

  4. Heatherstem says:

    Clouds! I like clouds… :D They make the world seem… a bit bigger than it might be.

    • ZebraMan _-_-_-_-_ says:

      You’d be a good poet, you know that, Heatherstem?

      • Kelly says:

        HA! Yeah right. :roll:

        • Heatherstem says:

          Oh? Do you really think that?
          I wrote this a while ago, and this is about it -
          Blackbird, build the nest
          Upon an oak branch it will rest.
          The days fly quickly, a week goes past
          And the eggs are in their cradle at last.

          More in another comment soon!

          • Heatherstem says:

            But NO! A man with an ax comes by
            With a sparkling eyes and a smile so sly
            He chops down the tree, and collects his cash
            While the little blackbird’s nest falls with a crash.
            Her babies are unharmed and in the soft grass
            She picks them up and flies away,
            To find another place to stay.
            More in another comment soon!

          • Heatherstem says:

            No one welcomes her, not a single helping hand
            As she searches through the city for some place to land.
            Tears well in her eyes
            As the little bird sighs.
            And she may never
            See this world
            More soon! PS I meant for there to be no rhyming with ‘grass’.

          • Moonstar says:

            I thought Stratus clouds were the feather looking clouds. I really thought they were. . . :) -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • lillyluvie says:

            Cool information about clouds!! :D I like when there are no clouds in the
            sky, just a bright blue sky. :) *Luv from LillyLuvie*
            P.S. I wrote this poem for my mom for Mothers day a couple years ago:
            Roses are red,
            Violets are blue,
            There’s no other Mom,
            Just like you!
            I love you! That was the poem. ;)

          • EEK418 says:


          • Rosy:) says:

            I never knew that cumulus clouds were flat at the bottom because of the wind and I forgot everything that I learned about clouds last year in school so this was a nice piece of information.Happy New Years everyone.Stick to your resolutions and make new ones,there is still time to finish your 2011 resolutions.Happy New Years!,Bye. : )

        • Soumya says:

          I like clouds…

      • FireWolves says:

        You’re Right ZebraMan,

        She Is Good!

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